Friday, July 6, 2012


Today is a day of miracles...I swept AND mopped this house of mine! HAHA!!
I also learned how to make the music from a CD stay on my computer. It is a simple matter of setting it to do that. BUT, who knows unless you are a computer guru????  I asked my son in law about it, and he told me what to do. i thought this would happen automatically. Oh well, I have it fixed now.

The fourth of July came and went with not much excitement. I spent the day baking a cake, making deviled eggs, and cutting up chicken! I put the chicken in barbecue sauce and let it stay in the fridge. We went to my brother's house at six to have a cookout. There were no fireworks this year at our celebration. The kids are all grown up now and old enough now to go out on their own, and the little kids aren't big enough to do anything like that. The medium sized kids were in Tennessee, so there wasn't too much excitement around the house!!  We had baby Dora, little Savannah, little Dewey, and Little Julia. These children all ranged from four months, to two years, to three years, to five years of age. These little ones are really fun to watch, but they couldn't really get into too much trouble!!

I'm going "antiquing" today with my good friend Cathy. It is always fun to go to those kinds of stores, even when you are just looking.

I have only been to the beach once this whole summer, so I really should get there again later this week. Hey, it is Friday already! What am I talking about?? Maybe I can go next week. I also need to make a visit to Tampa to see my son. He is only off one weekend this month, so I'm not sure when I will get there. I am going to my high school reunion at the end of the month. Wow! That is going to be an experience! I bought some new shirts and pants for the occasion, since my regular school clothes are a couple of years old and are not really suitable for summer vacation. Luckily, there were sales on during the times that I actually went to the mall!

There is not really any other news to tell, so I will sign off for now. Have a great day!

Oh, you might like to check out the blog called "Journey to Evan" that is on my blog roll. My friend and co-worker is in China adopting her second son from there. She is keeping us all up to date through her blog, and it is a very heartwarming and interesting 'read'.

Bye for now!

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