Saturday, February 18, 2012


Heaven has another angel this morning. One of my dearest friends passed away last night, in Oregon. Linda Spignesi Ponci was one of my friends when I lived in Spangdahlem, Germany. Her daddy was in the Air Force, just like mine. Linda and I and our friend Dawn got together two years ago for a girls weekend. We had a great time. The three of us hadn't been together in forty years, so it was quite a reunion!! Linda flew down from Oregon to Florida. I took my first train ride and went to Florida. We met up with our friend Dawn, who lives in Lakeland, Florida. Dawn got us a really nice room in one of the Disney resorts, and we spent the day at one of the parks. I cannot remember what it is called. Anyway, we had a great time talking about high school, Germany, and the musicals we were in together. Of course, we had to sing all of the songs! Linda has had some stressful times in the past few years. Her father passed away this summer from ALS, and her younger sister passed away a few years ago from colon cancer. Earlier this week, Linda had a brain aneurysm. Her husband found her unresponsive and without a pulse. He did CPR, and the ambulance took her to Portland. She had some type of coil surgery done, and they thought she was going to make it. Unfortunately, her brain had already swollen. Last night they said she had no brain activity, and she passed away after taken off life support. Please be in prayer for her husband and family. Linda was a great friend, and she will be truly missed. Here is a fun picture of us at our girls weekend at the Disney park! Linda is the one on the right side.
Dawn Grant up top Linda Spignesi on the right Dewilla Hooper on the left

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another Saturday Morning

Well folks, it is Saturday again, and I am up early. What in the world is wrong with me? HAHA! I suppose it could be the fact that I go to bed so extremely early that makes me get up early. I am so worn out and tired each day from work, that I go to bed like a kid around 7 or 8. Fridays are especially tiring, so I go to sleep early on those nights, too. I guess I'm getting OLD! Today, I have no plans. Maybe I can get the Christmas things put up into the attic. Yes, I said Christmas things. Last Saturday, I finally took down the tree and put everything into two tote boxes. I just sat them in the boxes very gently, without their own little boxes or coverings. I hope they are okay. The real Christmas boxes are in the attic, but I cannot get them all down by myself. So, all of my Christmas things are still piled high in the living room. Perhaps some nice, strong person will saunter over here today and help me get the boxes down from the attic. After I fill them up, maybe another nice person will come by and help me put them into the attic. You know what, though, I should just keep them downstairs. The problem with that is that there is nowhere in this house to PUT them!! Next month, I like the sound of that, next month my new baby granddaughter will arrive. It just doesn't seem possible, but it is going to happen! We are all so very excited! Rachel is doing very well with her pregnancy. She will work up until she has her little girl. She is hoping to be able to stay off work the rest of the school year, but she isn't sure if that will work out. They give you a certain amount of time off, and if you have more sick leave built up, you can stay off longer, If not, you take leave without pay. That is not fun. So, I am up and messing around on the computer. It is nice and quiet around here, and I enjoy keeping up with things and searching for nonsense and stuff like that. Hey, it passes the time away! I am anxious for another pleasant Saturday with nothing in particular looming over my head that I HAVE to do. Have a great weekend everyone!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday Ramblings

I'm UP! For a Saturday be up at 7 am...that is an amazing feat!! I'm not sure what happened, but I woke up and kept thinking weird thoughts, so I got UP! I have a new little camera, and I am going to attempt to get some pictures on here from it. I finally took the plunge and bought an actual camera, rather than the phone camera. I hope the pictures turn out alright. Sam's has a lot of different types of cameras, and I opted for a very small one, a Canon, and it is BLUE. I figured that I might be able to find a blue one, vs. a black or gray one, when it gets lost..and I'm sure it will get 'lost' many times! This little camera actually fits into one of my little change purse thingys that I have, so that is terrific. I have the battery charger in a little blue zip up thing that I got from the teacher's union (that holds my phone charger), so now I am all set for baby pictures - and even videos!! I went to Rachel's house last night and took some pictures of the baby's room to see if the colors turn out better than the ones I have from my Iphone camera. After about an hour of fiddling with downloading software and finally getting the date and time set on the camera, I am ready to put a few pictures on here. I forgot all about the fact that the only thing that I really needed to do to get pictures was to put the little disk in the computer and copy them! Oh least I found out how to work a few things on the litte camera! Pictures from Rachel's baby stash!!
I know that some of these pictures do not look like they are in the baby's room, and you are correct. Some of the pictures are in the living room and dining room. They are pictures of the big items that Rachel and Don have had fun putting together, like the Car seat, strollers, etc. They are having a grand time learning how to use everything!