Saturday, September 24, 2011

Grandma ME

I am going to be a GRANDMA!! My daughter will be having her first baby in March, and we are all excited. Just this past week, her little tummy tum tum has really expanded! Sunday, she had a small, small little tummy. Wednesday, she had a pretty big one sticking out there! That day was also the first day she actually let me touch her tummy. She has her next doctor's appointment, @16 weeks, on my birthday. They hope to find out the sex of the baby in November, @20 weeks. Everyone is anxiously awaiting. This baby will be the first one, in this generation, on our side of the family. Rachel was the first grandchild, and now she is having the first grandchild...How fitting!
So, you can just call me Grandma!!!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Critical Decisions

I have made one very important decision in my life. I am going to take off two quarters from school, writing my dissertation to be exact. I have been enrolling each quarter for several years, but I haven't been getting anything done. Many thousands of dollars later $$$$$$, I finally decided to take a break. I have been at this 'extra' schooling thing now for almost ten years, and I am plain old tired. I worked three years on my National Board Certification, then a year and a half on my Specialist degree, then I went straight into coursework for my Ph.D. After two and a half years of courses and then my comprehensive exams, I started the dissertation stage. Almost three years later, I have not finished the first three chapters. I have gotten two extensions, but life keeps me from writing. I have gotten a house full of stuff that has not been attended, and it looks like a hoarder house. I have many, many obligations to take care of my daddy, including his health and other affairs, and I am just way, way overwhelmed. I think that if I take off from the tension and the pressure of a timeline and a time limit, maybe I can focus on real life for a change. I hope to get this house decluttered during this time. That issue alone could help my brain become more focused and alive. Also, I am going to become a first time Grandma in March, and I need to be de-stressed when all of this happens. So, I am not quitting the pursuit of my doctorate, but I am delaying it for two quarters. I hope that this critical decision is a good one, and I hope that I can now accomplish the regular day to day life things that most normal people take for granted. Wish me luck on this journey to de-stress, de-clutter, and de-activate the tension and nervousness that is my everyday life.
Maybe I will finish a book or two that I have started, childens' books of course.
Wish me luck!