Saturday, July 14, 2012

A calmer day, but not without a bit of drama

It is Saturday, and the day has been very nice. Thankfully, I woke up feeling much better than I felt yesterday. I went over to Daddy's house, because we were going to go 'to town'. I put a cough drop in my mouth and BAM, the front of one of my teeth came off! It is the second tooth in my five tooth bridge, that covers an empty spot. So much for smiling pretty for pictures this weekend!!  This summer has been a rather expensive one so far. The car, the car, the car, the dentist in June, the dogs and cats, and now the dentist again. I hope the dentist can fit me in Monday, so that I won't have to go around very long with a missing tooth!!

My trip to Milwaukee was supposed to be the only thing that I was spending money on this summer, but the powers that be seem to have had other plans for me. Besides having a missing tooth, I have had a wonderful day.

Rachel and Dora came over this morning to meet me. We went to Sam's, where we found some cute little outfits for Dora. Grandma says I'm PURRfect, with little cats and pink leopard like leggings. Mamma's little Cupcake, with leggings, and Daddy's Little Girl, with flower power leggings. We also found a cute yellow sunsuit and a yellow dress, and we got a pretty rainbow dress. Sam's has really inexpensive outfits. These were between 4.91 and 7.98. Go check 'em out!
I finally found something that I have been wanting for about five years, too. It is a rolling cart with multicolored drawers in it that I can use for cake things, or for scrapbook things, or just for THINGS. I bought TWO!! I've been looking for this for so long, that I just had to buy two before they ran out of them. Michael's has advertised these carts before, but when I get there none can be found.

We went downtown to the Jepson Center and had lunch. The Jepson Center is an art museum downtown, and there is a nice restaurant/cafe there. I had a big salad called the Kitchen Sink, and Rachel had a Chicken Salad sandwich. The atmosphere and food was great, but the waiter was not very attentive.

Ice cream was on the dessert menu, but we opted to go to the grocery store for that! I had to go to Publix for powdered sugar and cake mixes, and I forgot to buy the ice cream! So, we went to Red and White and I got some ice cream and hot fudge sauce (along with my favorite Blue Bell fudge bars) Yummy. We called Daddy and told him that Dora was inviting him over for a chocolate ice cream hot fudge sundae. He came, because Dora requested his presence!

I love nice, calm days, and today has been one of those. Goodness knows - I needed it.  Rachel and Dora have gone home now, only to return in the morning for breakfast. I told her that I will make pancakes for them! Then, we are all going to Mina's beach house tomorrow to visit our cousins who will be in town for the week. We are anxious to see them all and meet the newest little ones who have been born in the last couple of years. Mina is having a low country boil for us all to get together and enjoy each other's company. I'm going to try and make a nice, big cake for the party... I'm thinking a beach cake with shells and sand!

Talk to you all later. Have a great rest of the weekend!!!!!!

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