Saturday, September 22, 2012


Hello everyone,
I haven't taken the time to write a blog lately. I have been writing plenty of other things, though. I have been making edits throughout my dissertation. Simple little edits like, changing "this" proposed study to "the" proposed study....taking out all references to "affect", which is not a qualitative approach....and doing little, picky things like that. When there are around 110 pages of doing little picky things like that, the job is enormous! Anyway, I finally got all of it edited and turned it in again. By the way, my mentor approved the proposal. The committee members added their eyes to the chapters, and they suggested a few things. After all, that is what "extra eyes" are for...when you have been looking at the same pages over, and over, and over again, you miss simple little things. A fresh pair of eyes can catch things that you missed in your 1,000 or more times reading something!  So, when the chapters come back this time, they will be ready to be sent to the School of Education for further approval. This process is rather long, but it will be worth it when I finally finish the degree and have my Ph.D. As they say, if it was easy to get your Ph.D., then everyone would have one!!
Also, they say "a good dissertation is a done dissertation". HA!  So, I have a ways to go yet, but the pathway is paved and clear to go to get this thing done!!!!!!
Rachel and her family came by this morning to take us to the Farmer's Market. Each Saturday, the downtown Forsyth Park has a nice little farmer's market. It was pleasant to walk under the trees and the Spanish moss in downtown Savannah. There were quite a few farmers present. Also, a couple of local bee keepers/honey makers were there. I bought one small bottle of local honey. Supposedly, local honey helps you with your allergies. So, I will check this out and see. We do have a honey store downtown on Broughton Street that makes local honey, but I never get to Broughton Street. Even though my school is downtown and really close to main street, I do not get there. When school is out, I head home!!  I am really enjoying being in a new, nice, clean school building. It surely makes the day a lot nicer and brighter.
So, I went into my dissertation a few minutes ago and added some things by other researchers. One of the things that I needed to put in the chapters was more 'primary' information. So, I purchased seven new books to use. Books are expensive, but I bit the bullet and did it. Kate brought one book to me from her college that really helped. It is a book by an old time philosopher, deeeep stuff, and luckily some things were underlined in pen. Now, you know that no one should underline anything in a library book. BUT someone did in this one, from 1958, and I'm glad they did. It was helpful. I had that book on order from Amazon, with a newer copyright, but the book has the same information. Having the more classical version added bit of oomph to the writing, I think. HAHA!
Well, I will go for now. I might just try some of my honey. We already tried the peaches, the muscodines, and the cantaloupe. They were all great.
Later gators!!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Whew! Three extensions later, one total year of inactivity, several quarters of personal issues with not writing, and....My proposal has been approved by my mentor!!  Now, it is off to the committee for their perusal. More edits will be coming my way, but this giant milestone is finally completed!

Now, maybe I can take a breath and relax for a few days!