Thursday, July 19, 2012

Superwoman I'm not, but I am a good Grandma!!

When will I ever learn not to try and take in a ton of groceries at one time? I thought that because I had a new "gadget" for carrying things, that I could put them all in it and carry them at once! What I forgot was that they were still HEAVY!  I have a new 31 tote that all of my bags fit in today. I thought that I would carry them all in and only make one trip. Stupid idea...... My back is killing me now. I am not sure why I thought that I was wonderwoman, or that the heaviness would somehow vanish within the carrier. Crazy me. AND I already told my massage therapist that I can't come this week. I have been going to a young lady to try and get my back pain to go away, or at least to be manageable. It has been working, but now I've reinjured the whole back. Oh well...I guess I will have to just deal with it.

Rachel asked me to spend the night with her Monday, so that I could babysit on Tuesday, and I obliged. We went to the Olive Garden for supper (my favorite place) where I totally overate, and then we went to Target -- Rachel's favorite place!  We put Dora in her stroller without the carseat, and she FIT!! She is growing like a weed. These pictures are showing how she fit into the stroller as a "big girl"!!!!!!

I got to babysit Dora Tuesday, while Rachel was out doing yardwork. Her father in law, little brother in law, and little sister in law all came over to help. Rachel and Katie pulled weeds. Randy did the trimming, and Matthew mowed. Good teamwork! After all of this, Rachel, Dora, and I went back to the beach to visit our cousins!!

I managed to snap some pictures of my little darling Dora while they were outside. Dora was wearing her outfit that I gave to her. It says, "Grandma Says I'm Sweet". She usually manages to mess up this outfit as soon as Rachel puts it on her. Luckily, the outfit stayed clean and pretty all day long, even on our trip to the beach. It is a good thing, too, because Dora is just about to outgrow it!!

     I have a few extra pictures that I took of some more little ones with Dora. Kendall and Margaret left before the pictures on Sunday, so I got pictures of them when we went back to the beach on Tuesday.

                                                 Kendall, Dora, and Rachel

Margaret, Kendall, and Dora

 While going through some old Christmas items, Amy found this Santa hat and put it on Dora!

                                               Amelia, Kendall, Dora, and Rachel
                                              with the Tybee Lighthouse in the background

I heard a comedienne the other day say that everyone in the South calls their friends and cousins, Aunt. Mina is my first cousin, but she is Aunt Mina to all the little ones!!
                                                  Great Aunt Mina and Dora


If we can call all of our lady relatives "Aunt", then we can call our gentleman cousins "Uncle".

Here is a picture of Great Uncle Marvin and Great Aunt Arlene in Mina's backyard Tuesday night.

One more week before my trip to Milwaukee!. I cannot believe I am actually going to see people that I never in this world imagined that I would see again in my lifetime! As a military brat, you usually do not meet up with people again that you knew as a child or a teenager. Through the wonders of facebook, many of us have renewed friendships, made new friendships, and have had a grand old time catching up.  We will be staying at the Pfister Hotel, a very old and historical place. We will also be having events at the Wisconsin Country Club Thursday night. All week long there will be a German Festival in Milwaukee, so we can go in and out of that while we are there. One night, we will have a fireworks cruise. One night is a dinner at Mader's German restaurant. All in all, we will be having fun. Some people will tour the brewery that was made famous with the Laverne and Shirley sitcom from the 70's. I am going to find the art museum, I hope. There is also a Harley museum, but I am not really into that kind of thing. We are having a church service Sunday morning, and I have been asked to be a part of that with the music. We have a nice brunch Sunday morning, and then everyone will be heading out.  People are coming from all across the United States. One couple from Texas will actually be on the flight with me out of Atlanta! How about that!! There are several people from different places who are going to be on flights together headed to Milwaukee. Isn't it interesting how that has happened!

My friend Heidi has returned from China and is in Rhode Island with her TWO sons. She is posting pictures on facebook. They look so sweet together. The older one asked his mamma to cut his hair short, so that he could look like his brother! Heidi is still blogging about her adventures, in case you would like to read about this sweet family. I have her blog listed on my blog roll. It is called, "Journey to Evan".

Have a great night!!!!

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