I hope the little white box that appears in the background disappears pretty soon. I wrote an email to photobucket, which I do not use, to find out how that little message got on my blog. It is very irritating!
So, I worked all day on this cake. I think it looks okay. I made a four tier round cake and put a trail all the way down. I also made a waterfall and some streams all the way down the mountain. Daddy suggested that I make some birds and a little squirrel, so I attempted to do that. They look okay, but they are not professional.
I also got the dogs bathed today. That activity is always a chore. The sheepdog is all soft and silky, and the golden retriever is soft and smooth. Right after I bathed them, they each went to their DIRT hole under the tree!! Oh well, I tried. Tonight, I put their flea medicine on them. They are about eaten up with fleas this summer. I also bought some 'green or natural' flea killer stuff at the vet. This vet has some little worms that eat fleas/ants, etc. It is a package of what looks like dirt, but it is microscopic worms that are bred to kill fire ants, fleas, and such. I tried it last year, and I think it helped. So, you put the 'dirt' in water and soak it for ten minutes. Then, you put it out under shady areas where the worms can come alive and crawl in the yard. The directions tell you to put it in a sprayer hose thing, but I don't have one of those. So, I put the mixture in three different gallon jugs and poured it out on the ground. The worms supposedly crawl around in the yard, eat the fleas, and then die. I am not sure if they do this really, but it is worth a try. I had to wait until nightfall to do it, because the weather is so hot outside. The directions say to wait until dark, if the temperature is over 86 degrees. I think that 100 degree weather calls for waiting until dark! I splashed some of it on me, and I feel like I have swallowed microscopic worms! Of course I didn't, but have a panic attack feeling like I did!! I splashed some on my legs, too. Yuck. I washed it all off in a nice hot shower, though.
So anyway, the dogs are taken care of for a while, the cake is made, Don likes it, and now I am ready for bed.
Take care and have a good Sunday!!