This picture is from Rachel's birthday party that we had last year. Her birthday is coming up soon, so I thought I would put up this picture of my family.
I just finished making some homemade fondant for a cake that I will be making tomorrow. We are having a party Sunday for my son-in-law, Don, who is going to hike the Appalachian Trail. I am making a cake for him, although he doesn't eat cake, and I will use the new fondant icing that I made for the decorations. The fondant tastes really good. I hope I can get it to work tomorrow when I begin to decorate. If the fondant is a little too stiff, it can be put in the microwave to regain its pliability. I hope it will work! I am going to attempt to make some type of mountain cake, with a hiker going up! I wonder if I can do it...
I haven't been blogging lately, because I went to Florida to visit Adam and Vicky for a week. Also, I have been having trouble with my golden retriever escaping out of the backyard!! She has never done this before, and I do not know what is up with that! I called my contractor today to see if he can fix my fence. He will do it Tuesday. Right now, I have a bunch of things put in front of the gate and the hole she has been going out of. It looks like a big mess, but is is doing the trick of keeping her in!
So, I may have a good picture of my cake to put up Sunday.
P.S. I really do not know why that little white box is in the background. It showed up today, and I have no idea how to get it off. If anyone has a suggestion as to how to get it off of my blog, I would greatly appreciate it!!
Looking forward to seeing it!! Who says we are too old to learn!!I loved my painting class and plan to do some more!