Monday, June 18, 2012


Today is the first Monday of summer vacation. We were out Thursday and Friday, but those two days did not feel like summer. This week will be my first full week of vacation...YEA!!
How did I start out the day? I went to school, of course. HA! We had a walkthrough of our new school building. All of it is not yet ready, but we went through the whole building and saw all of its wonders. Since our other school was way over 50 years old, like me, there were many things that were not up to par. Now, we will have all of the same things as other schools. We are all looking forward to the newness of our site. I have been at this school for 20 years, and for 20 years we have been told that we were getting a new school. Well folks, it is finally HERE! I know that when school starts in August, everything is going to be wonderful, fresh, and new. That thought alone will help us all to be able to go back to work, after a summer break, with a renewed strength and power to begin helping to build little lives into productive and accomplished citizens.
Wish us luck!

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