This first picture is of Daddy in Germany during World War II.
My daddy is a veteran, and I didn't mention him the other day. My mom passed away on Veteran's Day 2008, and I posted about her instead of the Veterans. So, I will speak of my daddy today.
World War II was the beginning of Daddy's military career. He served as a Medic in the Ninth Armored Division, and he received the Bronze Star for Bravery. He went out under fire to rescue men that he saw were still alive. He says it was his job as a medic. The military saw it otherwise. They saw it as brave acts that deserved one of the highest medals you can receive. Medics did not carry any type of guns or weapons, so going out under fire with NO way to defend himself was truly an act of sheer bravery and duty to his fellow man.

This picture is a picture of my Daddy as a very young Air Force soldier.
My daddy is one of the finest men on the face of this earth. He always does what is right. He is always honorable and truthful. He taught all of us to be honest forthright people, and we all are to this day. Daddy continued his military career after the War, by joining the Air Force. He was in Germany when I was born, and I was nine months old before he ever saw me.

He was also gone for a year or more at a time during our growing up years, to Vietnam and Morocco. He went many other places for what they call TDY, which is temporary duty somewhere else. My daddy is a wonderful, honorable man who does anything and everything that he can for his children and his grandchildren. I cannot honor my Daddy enough with my words. Being his oldest child is an honor to me and an extra special blessing. Thank you Daddy for always loving me and taking care of me, even to this day...still!! I love you!!!!
What heroes the men of WW2 were! Just young men sent to do a job and what a job they did! Many of them said the same thing your daddy said...It was my job...they did not expect to be praised for doing their duty. Love this sweet post!