Two years ago today, my mamma went to heaven. She was the most wonderful mamma in the whole wide world, and I miss her very much!!
Mamma was very supportive of everything I ever did. She was a terrific mamma who was loving and caring. She always had a smile on her face, even as she was suffering in severe pain from that awful cancer disease. Mamma would not let anyone know how bad she was hurting, but we knew she was in a tremendous amount of pain. None of us will ever know, or could ever imagine, how bad she hurt, because she didn't want to worry us. Mamma was a wonderful Southern Lady. She had a great role model in my Granna, I had a great role model in my Mamma, and now I am trying to be a great role model for my daughter and son. I recently changed the name of my blog to A Southern Lady, because I am now following in the tradition of all the sweet, Southern ladies who have gone before me. I am now the older generation, and I have a lot to live up to in order to pass on the legacy of all of my wonderful, strong, faithful, Christian, selfless, loving Southern Ladies who have molded me and made me who I am today.
I love you Mamma! Thank you for always being there for me, for never judging me or anyone, for always loving everyone unconditionally, for being supportive always, and for being my Mamma!!!!!! I love you!!!!
I love the reason you changed your blog name. Trish