Hi there,
I had a wonderful day with my daddy and my two brothers, all who are great fathers! My daddy became a father in his mid 30's, and he has been a wonderful father and provider. Daddy was a career military man in the Air Force, and he had to be away a lot. He was stationed in Germany when I was born, and he did not get to see me until I was 9 months old! During my young years, he was stationed in what he calls North Africa, in Morocco, and he served in the Vietnam War. At other times, he was sent various places for temporary duties on what the Air Force calls TDY. Although he was away for a year and a half, or longer, each time he was gone, we had a wonderful family life, and he has always been a terrific, caring Daddy. There are four children in my family, and my Daddy has always been supportive of each one of us. He lives for his children and his grandchildren. We are what his life has always been about, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. My two brothers had a terrific role model in what a real father should be. They are now fathers themselves, and they also live for their children. Both of them had children a little later in life, just like my Daddy.
One brother is 50 and has a 3 year old and a 1 year old, soon to be 2 and 4! He has always wanted to be a dad, and he finally has his little girl and boy. He loves being a dad, and he is extremely loved by both of his little ones.
My other brother has a soon to be 14 year old, 6 foot something boy and 2 girls, soon to be 10 and 12, and they are his pride and joy. He works very hard to provide everything that he can for them, especially his love and his time.
My brother in law is also a wonderful father. He has always worked very hard to provide for his family. My niece and nephew have grown to be great adults, under his fathering influences.
I have had some terrific uncles who also proved to be wonderful fathers to my cousins, and they always influenced their childrens' lives in positive ways. These men stepped up many times to help my mom, when my Daddy was stationed overseas. My Uncle Marvin was here in Savannah when I was born, and he took on the fatherly role until my Daddy came home from Germany. My great uncle, Bubba, was a father to my mom and aunt during their lifetime. He was a wonderful person. My Uncle Ralph, Daddy's brother, never had children, but he was a fun uncle. My Uncle Johnnie was also great provider and father for my north Georgia cousins.
I am so proud to say that my Daddy and my two brothers are the epitomy of what a real father should be. They love their children, they love their wives, and they put their families as their top priorities.
So, there is the story of the fathers in my life. I anticipate that my son, my son in law, and my nephews will all become terrific fathers as well, when their time comes. With the wonderful influence and and role model of my awesome Daddy, they could be no less than wonderful fathers themselves!!
We are blessed by our fathers!