The first fondant cake that I did myself was for my son's college graduation. I made a fondant cake in the class, but it was the model that everyone made. Using fondant is really easy. If you can roll and mold play dough, then you can mold and use fondant!!
Adam was a Marine Science major, so I wanted to do an ocean cake. As I was coloring the fondant, I noticed that it was getting a marble effect. So, I left the marbleized look and used it for the ocean. My daughter came by, and she helped me create some of the designs. She made a boat to put in the water. Then, she thought about putting a sleeping Adam in the boat! That was a clever idea, since fishing can sometimes take hours! She made a big brown hat and put it sideways, like as if it was covering his face. Then, she used a toothpick for a fishing pole. I found my kite string, and we made the fishing line. My dad came over and asked where the hook was on the fishing pole. He thought we should use a big hook. So, we got a really BIG hook and put it on the cake. I had some fish of all kinds and colors that we put in the water. I cut out fondant letters for the writing. Then, I used some gold shimmer dust to create the illusion of the salt in the waves. I also made the letters SSU to put on the boat. These letters had two meanings. One: the name of the boat S.S.U.(meaning YOU, Adam); Second: the name of the university - Savannah State University. I thought that was clever, too! HA!
I also made a Graduate Cake, with his school colors, diploma, and honor cords.
Mother's Day was the day after the graduation, so I recycled the big cake into a Mother's Day cake! I took off the fondant and made more regular icing to put on it. I made little pearls around the bottom, and then I made drop strings. I also made roses. I think it ended up looking very pretty. My phone camera does not show the bright pink very well, but you can see the details.
The next celebration was my sister-in-law's birthday. She had been in the hospital 29 out of 39 days, and I thought she deserved something special. They didn't really celebrate with a big party, because she had just gotten out of the hospital on her actual birthday. I made a four layer heart shaped cake! She turned 44, so I made one layer for each 11 years. HA! The cake was french vanilla, by request. I can only find that particular flavor at ONE grocery store in town. I made that flavor cake last year a couple of times, and she liked the taste. It is a nice change from a regular white cake, and is rather unique in taste. She asked for a heart cake like I made for the celebration we had in February remembering my mom. I made a bright pink layer, a white layer, a green layer, and a light pink layer. The trim was done in a shell border. The cake ended up looking pretty good. I made roses, too. I used the leaf tip for the green border, so it kept the flower look.
My nephew just graduated from the 8th grade, and he will be going to high school next year. He has decided to try to play football, much to his father's and his uncle's delight (they both played football and rugby). So, I made him a football shaped cake. I didn't do a graduate cake this time. I thought he would like the football. I made chocolate icing. Even the grass was chocolate, because I forgot to leave some white icing out to color! So, I colored the chocolate icing with green, and it worked out really well.
On the day that I made the football, I also made a french vanilla cake to keep at home. I always take my cakes places, and then I do not have any to enjoy! I played around with this cake and made purple icing for a change. It seems that I always make PINK icing! Anyway, I made a nice shell border at the bottom and a star border at the top. Then, I put star flowers on the top and sides of the cake. It looks very pretty. I don't usually get a chance just to play around with a design, because I am usually making cakes for a family event.
I hope you enjoy looking at my cakes. I will try to be much better at blogging during the summer.
I have a request for my niece's birthday in August. She likes Snow White. I have the fantasy castle kit that I am going to try to make for her birthday. I must practice first, though. I have until August to learn how to make it, so I might post some 'trial run' pictures, as I practice. I need to find some Snow White pictures, too, so that I can add her into the castle theme.
I hope you all have a great day!
No wonder I have had no D mail!!:)