I have been talking about making a castle cake all summer, and I finally did it...WITH the help of my 10 year old niece I must add. I let her do most of the work! I taught her how to make the icing, color the icing, ice the cake, roll out fondant, cut flowers out of fondant, and use the icing bag to make trim. She did pretty well. We made purple icing, and boy was it purple!! I forgot that red and purple tend to darken as they air, and we added a lot of color! We had some trouble with the turrets that came with the castle kit. They did not want to stay up. The cake was so fluffy that it wouldn't hold the plastic pieces, and they kept falling out and destroying the side of the cake!! Then of course, driving to Julia's house was another episode of turrets falling out of the cake. I finally got the cake to the house, though, even over all of the holes in the dirt road leading to the house!
This picture shows the cake after several episodes of turrets falling off. You can see that some of them are crooked, but Snow White managed to stay in place!
Lauren had a great time helping me with the cake, and it was okay that the decorations on the doors and windows were a bit crooked. HA! She did a good job for her first time trying to use the icing bag. She put lots of pink flowers on the windows and door. The picture on the box has lots of small flowers. I thought I had the correct flower cutter, but I believe I needed a smaller one. Oh well, it turned out fine. Lauren thought of making Julia's initials and putting them by the door, so she cut some out of fondant. I thought that was a creative thought! You can see that part in the first cake picture at the beginning of the blog.
These picures show her having fun putting pink and purple sugar on the turrets.
Julia was telling everyone that she was "fowah". Her little accent is so funny. Fo-wah. Four, we would say. No, FO-Wah, she would say. Ha! Ha! Here she is inspecting the number four candle from her cake, surrounded of course by her little brother. They were both awed by all the parts on the cake, and they just kept looking at it, and looking at it, checking out every part of it.
When she got her bike, her little 2 year old brother wanted to climb on it. He is going to want to ride that bike every time she tries, I bet. He actually climbed up on it like climbing a mountain. He found little places to put each foot and got all the way up onto the seat!! Little boys are like that!!
School starts for teachers next week, so I need to get used to the idea of going back to work. I have one more cake to make this week for my daughter's birthday, and then no more for a while!
Summer is almost over!
Have a great day!!
Pretty Castle...it was sweet of you to let Lauren help you. She will always remember that! Happy Birthday Julia!