Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Saturday Afternoon

I had a nice Saturday. First, I got up rather early...crazy for a Saturday.
Then, I decided to go visit my brand new grandniece. Yes, I am now a Great Aunt. That title makes me feel old. Being a grandma doesn't make me feel old, but being a Great Aunt does! haha
I visited for a while, and then came home. My friend had called me earlier in the day, and she wanted to take me out for my graduation. First, we went to "the big park", which is what our family has always called Forsyth Park, which is downtown. Savannah College of Art and Design had their yearly Sidewalk Chalk Art competition yesterday. Cathy is a graduate of "SCAD", and she had her work displayed one year. Cathy is a portrait artist, and she is really good, too. She said that she had drawn a picture of herself looking in the mirror at herself as she was creating the art. That sounds really interesting. She had a mirror on the sidewalk to look at herself as she drew. My brother has a sketch that she made of little Julia, and it is remarkable. The park was full of people, and the day was beautiful. Luckily, it didn't rain and wash away the art! Many times, the rain pours down on it. This year is the first time that I have seen the actual work before it faded, or washed, away, and I really enjoyed it. After seeing all of the art, we went to the Firefly Cafe for supper. I had never been there, but I have heard a lot about it. This cafe is downtown in a small basement type of setting. The food was terrific, and I had my first taste of cous cous! I had a delicious Southwestern Chicken and Cheese soup and a Pork Loin stuffed with goat cheese, walnuts, and basil, and some asparagus. Cathy had a delicious chicken dish, with cous cous and vegetables. YUM! Thanks, Cathy!! I had a terrific day, and I didn't even worry about all of my responsibilities at home. That, my dear friends, is an epic wonder!!
So, I am here today waiting for this afternoon when my roast will be finished and my gravy will be ready to put on the rice I will cook. I will also cook some of the fresh vegetables that Daddy bought yesterday. Let me tell you something. Daddy went out by himself yesterday in his truck on a trip to the base. He shouldn't have done that, but he did! At 91 years of age, he is determined to keep on keeping on! Although we discourage him from driving, he took off on his own yesterday without anyone knowing it. I was out visiting the grandniece, so I wasn't aware that he did that. Well, he came home safe and sound, so I guess it is okay...just this once! haha
I will go for now. I just wanted to write about my wonderful day that I had, thanks to my friend, Cathy!!

Have a great Sunday!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rutabega Bug

I have gotten into the habit of cooking fresh vegetables lately. Daddy always buys them: squash, zucchini, onions, potatoes, and whatever is fresh. Anyway, my mamma always loved rutabegas. I ate some one time, and I kind of liked them. I never tried cooking one, though, until last week. Boy, those things are hard to cut!! They are so hard, almost like a rock...Anyway, I cooked my first one, and it was mighty tasty. I invited my cousin, Mina over for Sunday dinner, because she loves rutabegas, too! My son, Adam, decided that he likes them now. Daddy likes them, too, so I bought another one the other day. The sun was shining so nicely this afternoon, that I took my "bigger" rutabega outside, sat in a chair, and started peeling and cutting. It took me a while, because it is so 'hard' (like I already said), but it smells pretty good right now! Well, good isn't exactly the right term. Rutabegas do not smell 'good', or sweet, or anything like that, but they do have an enticing aroma. So, my chicken is baked, the fresh corn on the cob is almost done, and my fresh-right out of the garden-cabbage is just about ready. Rachel's mother in law gave me fresh lettuce and a fresh head of cabbage that a friend of hers had given her, fresh from the garden, so I've been eating lettuce for lunch, and I'm having cabbage for supper!
The days are getting to be very nice lately, and I just do not like to be stuck inside. My new school is all in one building, and I do not get outside any during the day. When I get home, I go straight to the kitchen to cook, so I don't get outside in the afternoon, either. I do not like that, Sam I Am!! So, I decided to sit ouside and "peel and cut" today.  I have been remembering that we all used to sit out on the front porch a lot. I see people on their front porches downtown and different places. I suppose we sat on the porch in order to be outside. I remember snapping beans on the porch and things like that. I still see older people or people who have no means of transportation sitting on their porches. Back in the day, if you pardon that much used expression, people didn't run the the mall every second or to the store or wherever, they stayed home and had family time. Much of family time was preparing dinner, 'snapping beans', or doing simple things like that around the house! I miss those simple days very much! 
So, my new way to be outside will be to go into my backyard and sit for a while. I wish I had a swing to sit in, like we used to have on our front porch. That would just make my day! Maybe I can get one and find a frame to put in on. I bought a swing once to put on my glassed in porch, but the swing was too big. I think that my next purchase will be a swing. There, I said it, so now I need to make sure that I get it done!  I love being outside. Now that I am not studying anymore, I am going to spend a lot more time just sitting outside and enjoying the simple time of just...sitting outside!!
Have a great day!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Parade, Spring Break, and Stuff

I went to the St. Patrick's Day parade last month, which is something that I haven't done in a couple of years. I only went this time, because my little granddaughter was going to be there. I had to park one mile away and walk to our 'spot'. Yes, one mile. I found out that the parking lot at my school was empty, so I parked there. Now mind you...this location is not the safest in town, but I am there every day and do not even realize that it is a not so safe place. Anyway, I was by myself and walked down the main streets to the parade. Many people were walking miles to get there, so I was just one of the crowd, really.  After waiting for the parade to get to us and seeing only a few entries, Rachel and Don decided to leave early. So, I hitched a ride with them back to my car and came on home. March 17th was the day that I was supposed to be in Long Beach, California graduating with my Ph.D., but I was in Savannah! There is another graduation in Minneapolis on August 10th, so maybe I will be able to attend that one. I received my official transcript in the mail, opened it, and read: Degree Confirmed - Doctor of Philosophy: Area of Concentration: Curriculum and Instruction: Grade Point Average: 4.0~~!! Whoopie!! That average honors me with graduating with Distinction! I am very proud of myself. The road to this degree was long, but I enjoyed it. There were many obstacles along the way in my personal life, but the work and study kept my mind busy and diverted from the various crises that were going on in my life.
My diploma has come, also, since I started writing this entry. Yippee!!
Now, I await my my 'cap' and gown. I will really receive a little 'tam' like hat, rather than a cap. I am happy to finally get a robe with the stripes on the sleeves!! I am not bragging. I am just very excited and very, very happy to have finally achieved this goal that I had set for myself my entire life. This year will be my 40th year being out of high school, so it took me quite a while to finish my education!! HAHA!! 1973 - 2013, Whew!!

I planted flowers this year!! I love to plant flowers, but I have not had the time to do it in recent years. I have lots of pansies and violets, and they are very pretty. I LOVE THEM!! I got all sorts of colors, too. I went to the dollar store one day and found some cute little pinwheels, so I put them in the garden and on the walkway to the house. They blow furiously in the wind!
I started writing this entry on March 18th. Today is April 6th!! Am I behind a little bit, do you think?

Easter Sunday with Dora!!
 I had to add this one of Dora playing with the pots!  All childrens' favorite playground!

Spring Break has come and gone. We go back to work tomorrow.
We took Dora to the Jacksonville Zoo Wednesday. She enjoyed it pretty much. This picture was taken on the train ride, and she enjoyed looking out of the 'window'.

On the way out of the zoo, she started walking. She was laughing the whole way!!

Spring break 2013 was one of a kind. We go back to school/work tomorrow. Have a great day!