June came in softly and went out with a birthday bash! That was the beginning of cake season, Ellen and John William. July came in with a Bang and brought with it a Bieber fever request. HA! Lauren put in an early order for a Justin Bieber birthday cake. She asked me if I had a cake pan shaped like a person. I asked why. She said, with a little curled up smile on her face, "Justin Bieber". HA! So, I thought and thought about what to do. I could make some icing with color flow, which is the kind that you can use to trace over a picture and transfer it to a cake, or I could find pictures of the Bieb and use them on the cake. I finally decided to search the magazine racks for ole' Justin and try to use pictures. I could not believe it, but there are not very many Teen magazines out there to find! I only found one type at Walgreen's and then a different one at CVS. I chose the latter, because it had a big face shot that I could use on the cake. It also had some posters that I could give to Lauren. Finally, I made a big round cake with purple icing. I cut out the big face shot and some little pictures, too. I put some saran wrap on top of the cake and put the picture on that. Then I wondered how I was going to hide the edge of the picture and the wrap. So, I decided to make a big "frame" like a picture frame and 'bejewel' it with candies. I had some big round candies that I bought on sale after Easter, and I had some little star candies that I had found at Walmart a while back. I placed those individully, alternating colors. The little stars were hard to place, coz they are so small and my fingers are not so nimble these days! After dusting the cake with pink sugar and purple edible glitter, it looked pretty good. Then, I colored some fondant pink and purple and put four small faces around the edge of the cake. When Lauren saw the cake she said, "It turned out MUCH better than I expected." HA!! I couldn't believe she said that. I asked her what she was expecting, and she said she thought I was going to make a whole person. I guess she wasn't really expecting me to make a real BIEBER!! HAHA!!
My four year old niece 'called' me that afternoon to find out what kind of cake I was making. I suppose that my status in the family is now 'the birthday cake person', if that is the first thing a four year old thinks of when she finds out she is going to a birthday party! Yes, that is what she thought about right after her mom told her she was going to Lauren's birthday party! Anyway, I told her that I was making a Justin Bieber cake. Before I could explain what that was, she said, "A Beaver?" Then, she yelled to her mom, "She is making a BEAVER cake!!" That was soooo funny!
Next up is Rebecca's 13th birthday, in August. I haven't gotten her 'order' yet, but I wonder what it will be. Last year, her dad created a neat Mall Scavenger hunt for her and Rachel and I made a mall cake. Who knows what this year will bring!
I do, however, have an order for Julia's cake...Another Castle! This year, her favorite princess is Sleeping Beauty. So, I found a small Sleeping Beauty to put on the cake. Before I finally found the little doll, I found a crown and some wands at Party City. I will figure out a way to incorporate all of those things on the cake. I now know to make a cake that is not quite as 'soft' as last year's cake, so that the turrets will stay IN the cake and not fall OUT of the cake! I will also make the little flowers ahead of time to put on there, I hope.
And....we're off!!!!
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