September 5, 1984
What a joyous day that was!! My baby boy, Adam, was born!! Hip hip hooray! Boy oh boy, has he been a real BOY!! Yes indeed my friends, Adam was all boy, and he still is! My favorite story to tell about him is from when he was about a year and a half old. I opened the front door, and OUT he scooted...naked as a jaybird! He ran around and around and around in circles on the front lawn. He was so fast! He just scooted right past me like a streak of lightning, and he was "streaking" for the neighborhood. hahahaha
I love my Adam. He is so very special to me. He has grown up to be a very fine young man. Adam recently graduated from college with a degree in Marine Science. He has moved to Tampa, Florida to pursue his career in that field. He is a very hard working young man, and I know he will do well in anything that he attempts.
I miss him so much!
Adam is still my little boy, no matter how tall he grows or how old he becomes. He is still my active, sweet, and wonderful little fella!
I love you Adam!!
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