Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Burning things in the Kitchen!!

My oh my!!!! I almost burned the house down this week, a couple of times!
I do not know why I have been so forgetful about things on the stove or in the oven lately. A few weeks ago, I burned a whole pot of black eyed peas! Man oh man did the house smell! Then last week, I left a cake in the oven ALL NIGHT! I really do not know how the house survived without a fire on that one. I got up the next morning and the stove said, Hot, and I saw that the oven lights said "End", so the stove must have turned itself off somehow. It was hot, though. The cake was black as it could be. It looked like a chocolate cake, but it was supposed to be a homemade sponge/pound cake. I just got that pan cleaned today. I did not even smell the burn, because my nose was so stuffed up! Monday, I put some eggs in a pot to boil at 11:19. I know the exact time, because I was going to the doctor at 12, and when I put the eggs on, I looked at the clock thinking the eggs would be done before I had to leave. I left at 11:45. At 1:52, I was in Walgreen's waiting at the counter to check out. All of a sudden, I remembered the EGGS!! What on earth was I thinking?? I left the medicine on the counter and went outside to my car to get my phone. I tried calling Daddy's house, but kept getting the dreaded sound - na na na na - you know, the one that means no connection!! So, I jumped in the car to drive home (just down the street). Once I got in the car, I called again and got my sister to go to my house and check the stove. I arrived at the house right after she did. Sure enough, the eggs were black and stuck to the pot. The house was FULL of smoke, and it smelled awful. The house had just gotten over the burned smell from the cake! Oh well, at least the stove had not caught on fire, the pot was not on fire, and the smoke had not ruined anything in the house. What on earth is wrong with me?? I am getting more and more forgetful as the days go on. I usually burn cheese toast in the mornings, because I get so busy getting ready for work that I forget about it. So, I quit making cheese toast. I do not know what to do about this cooking forgetfulness, unless I just remain in the kitchen while things cook. Even then, though, I do not remember things are cooking! My mind races a mile a minute, and I think I must have ADHD, like the kids I teach! haha! Seriously though, I am working on this problem. I have some chicken in the oven right now, so I am checking it continuously. Having sinus problems, a stuffy nose, and allergies has not helped the situation. Why, you ask?? The answer is: Because I can't smell the stuff cooking OR burning!! haha
Well, I hope I have better luck with my supper tonight.
Talk to you guys later!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday, Saturday

Another Saturday is here, and I am enjoying doing nothing but relaxing. To tell you the truth, I am just happy to be at home and not in the hospital for a weekend!
I actually fried some bacon for myself for the first time in a long while. It is actually lunchtime right now, though, not breakfast. I shouldn't eat that stuff, but I do love it. Once in a while, I splurge and 'fry it up in a pan'. The secret to its great taste is Lemon Pepper - lots of it! If I could only make delicious biscuits like my Grandma and my Aunts from North Georgia, then that would be the icing on the cake!!
One of my students told me that today is the first day of Spring. I haven't seen that written anywhere, but he was sure that today was the day. He also told me the weather report for the next few days! :) He must have been watching the weather channel or something.
Adam came over a few minutes ago and said that it is a nice day outside. I haven't been out there, so I wouldn't know. I am trying to avoid pollen of any kind, because I am singing a solo at church tomorrow - Alabaster Box. I want to keep away from anything that might clog up my throat and sinuses - perfumes, sprays, dust, pollen, you name it!! I like staying inside anyway. The house could use a good cleaning, but I am not in the mood for that. Anyway, that would stir up tons of dust, now wouldn't it!! Next week might be a good time to try to do some of that, but not now. HA!
Today is nice and quiet. There hasn't been much traffic outside today. I live on a pretty busy street, but the sound of cars riding by hasn't broken the wonderful silence of the day :)
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. We have one more week of school, and then we have our spring break. Yippee! I hope that the weather will remain nice for all of us. I might try to take a day trip somewhere or maybe a trip to Tampa. That would be nice, if I could get someone to go with me and drive! If not, I will just stay home and work on my dissertation. I think that would be the best idea yet!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hi again,
I am still at home trying to rest from my second, yes second, stay in the hospital. It seems that I continued to be sick, because I had acquired an infection. Anyway, I was in the hospital Fri - Mon, and now I am recuperating at home. It seems I have done more schoolwork at home than resting! There is a lot of paperwork, calling, worrying, and stuff that one must do when they take off work...lots of paperwork. My son just took all of it to the doctor's office, so maybe I won't have to worry about it for a few days. It still has to be picked up and taken to school, though. I have been emailing work a lot about all of this. Gee whiz. Why can't you just be sick?
I am feeling a bit better. I almost feel like a real person again. It has been a while since I have been well, so I am not sure what it really feels like!
President Obama came to Savannah yesterday. I saw a small portion of his speech. He was here to discuss jobs, small businesses, etc. He went to Savannah Technical College and some other places. He ate at Mrs. Wilkes' boarding house. That is an old place where everyone sits together at big tables to eat real southern cooking. He sat right with regular people who were there for lunch. The mayor took him out for lunch, so he knew a really original Savannah place to get some good food! The CBS news actually had a recording of his lunch visit on the nightly news last night!
Well, I really do not have much to say today. I wanted to pop in for a few minutes. I hope everyone is having a good day! Here is a link to the video of the lunch. I don't know if it will work, but maybe you can copy and paste it!