Monday was supposed to have been my cake class night. I didn't go, but I did make a cake. I had made a lot of candy flowers last week, so I had them to put on the cake. Of course, I would not normally put all of those flowers on a cake, but for the final cake, we were supposed to add them. Anyway, I took pictures of it the other day. I will post a couple that came out clear enough. I also did the basketweave and the rope trim on it. That was part of the assignment. This was my second time taking this class, and I did get better at making the flowers. I am particularly pleased with my pansies! I also like the little African violets and the leaves for them. I also made little apple blossoms, primroses, and small roses. The daffodils were interesting to learn. There is a lot of detail work that goes into the center sections. We also made chysanthemums. Those are tricky, but I finally got the hang of them. Another flower that we made is the daisy. That one is not very hard. We also made pretty little rosebuds. They are so cute! The rosette is very easy, too. There is something called color flow that we learned to do. You make a very soupy like icing, with a special mixture of the color flow. This stuff is really a type of dried eggwhites. Anyway, you can take any type of picture and put wax paper over it. Then, you trace the picture and allow the lines to dry. Then, you fill in the picture with whatever colors you need. I suppose this is what cake places use when they have big pictures or symbols on top of cakes. I saw them use it as a skill test on one of those cake decorating competitions the other night. The flowers are made out of what they call royal icing. This is icing that is made from a powder that is eggwhites, also. The icing gets hard real fast, and it is like candy. This type of icing is also like what they make those things out of that you can buy in the grocery store to put on cakes.
Well, I have learned a lot. The next course is the last one, and it is fondant and gum paste.I have not been able to go out of the house to register for it, but the class starts next Monday. I am not sure if I will take it right now, though. I think I need a rest, and I need to concentrate on my dissertation again. I haven't been writing it, and I really need to get back to it.
I am blogging today to try and relax. I was getting all numb in my head and face again today, and I think that it may have been out of worry. While I was at Walgreen's, I bought a puzzle to try to start putting together. I thought that might keep my brain from worrying and stuff. Plus, I have always liked puzzles. I don't know when I will start it, but I have it anyway.
I am glad that I have my laptop back at home. Adam borrowed it while he was working on his captain's license. He passed all of that, and I am really proud of him. It is nice to have this in the living room so that I do not have to be locked up in the back bedroom at the regular computer. Well, I will stop for now and post some cake pictures. Have a great day!