Hello everyone,
I thought I would post a few cakes that I have made recently. My cameras are not working very well, so the pictures are not as clear as I would like. I think I put my Christmas train pictures up, but I have some that were made by my sister's camera that are better. I also made a giant cupcake tonight and a heart cake. I have some fondant roses that I made last week and some fondant hearts, so I put them on top of a heart cake that I made to celebrate my mom's birthday. She would be 87 tomorrow, if she were still with us.
I would like to do a little slideshow like I have seen on other blogs, but I don't know how to do that. So, I will just post them one at a time!
I have several views of each cake, so please excuse all of the 'copies' of the same thing! One day, I will have a decent camera that will take good pictures the first time! Happy looking!
love your FONDANT cake that looks like a present! Lovely!! The others look great too but the one with the bow is my fav.