I have been learning how to decorate cakes. I have always loved to bake, ever since I was a kid. I make birthday cakes for everyone, but my decorating skills have been Oh So Amateur. Everyone always laughs at my "decorations". This picture is of the one I did for my 'graduation'. You can see that I put a little bit of everything that I learned: clowns, roses, leaves, sweet peas, shells, etc. I thought it would be fun to put a hodge podge of things on there. It was for fun anyway. I am not one to go by the book or pattern for anything, so I make my own "designs", if you can call them that. Anyway, I signed up for cake decorating classes at Michael's, and I had four lessons in the basics of decorating. I actually learned some neat things. I can make a rose now! Of course, I make quite a few to get just one. haha!
I will put up some pictures of the things I have done, including my birthday cake for Sunday and the one for tonight.
This is a cake that I made for my cousin, Mina. I worked all night trying to make those roses, and I finally got four good ones.
This is my birthday cake,
a PINK LADYBUG. I think it turned out cute.
This Sweetheart Cake is the one that I made for my actual birthday, today. I worked on it late last night. I finally got several good roses, and I got a great pink color.
I have an 'order' to make a cake for 3D's first birthday. 3D is my nephew, and he will be one year old Saturday. I will eiher make a teddy bear, a rocking horse, or a dinosaur, or a giraffe. I have been collecting character cake pans over the years, and I am anxious to try some of them out.
Here I am tonight with my birthday cake. Rachel told me to hold it up. I think she was halfway kidding, because they always get on me about taking pictures of anything and everything! I posed anyway.
Here we are. One is of me and my dad, and the other one is me with my children.
Happy 54th birthday to me!
Loved the pictures of your cakes....that is a good hobby(and tasty too!)