September 5, 1984 was a glorious day in my life, because my little baby boy, Adam, was born!!!! He was a big one, at 9 pounds 6 ounces. Adam was delivered by a planned C-section. As with his sister, he was too big for me to deliver, so the C-section was in order. My pregnancy with Adam was a lot of fun, just like with Rachel. I always loved being pregnant. I think pregnancy is a wonderful experience. With Adam, though, I did not have the fluid gain and no-salt diet, thank goodness! I ate LOTS and LOTS of tomatoes that summer, since we were living in an area that supplies tomatoes to many places. They were always so good, big, and juicy. Adam loves tomatoes to this very day!! HA!HA! I wonder if there is a connection. As time for delivery came closer and closer, I did have a lot of pains and a few scary moments, but I was fine. Adam was always a very active little boy. He loved to be naked! I can remember one day in particular when he was about 2 or 3 years old. I opened the front door to look out or something, and this little thing just shot out beside me like a bullet. It was like I only saw a white flash as he went by! He ran outside stark naked and just kept running around and around and around in circles all over the front yard!! It was SOOOOO Funny!!!! He was always such a tiny little thing that he almost looked like a little bee or something buzzing all around the yard. I don't know how I ever stopped laughing at that one. Adam has grown into a very fine young man. He is a Marine Science major and will graduate this spring. He loves the ocean and fishing, and he is doing a terrific job in all of his classes. He is a true scientist and mathematician! I am so extremely proud of him. Adam is a true gentleman and a wonderful son. He is also a good little brother. He is very attentive to his girlfriend, Vicky. He and Vicky are good for each ther, and they are both good to me. Adam has always tried to help take care of me when I needed him, and he is still a very conscientious and caring son and young man. He is a courageous person who is growing up to be an extremely wonderful man and human being. I love Adam very, very much. Adam is the best son in the whole wide world!!!!!!
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