I have a new dog. I named her Lady. On her paperwork, she is Sheepdog #2, so I thought she deserved a nicer name. hahaha
Lady the Shaggy Dog, is what I will call her, although she is not shaggy right now. She and her siblings were saved from a neglectful situation, and they were all matted up. The only way they could groom her was to shave off all of her fur! She is still pretty. She looks kind of like a giant Schnauzer right now. My other dog, Page, the Golden Retriever, is so happy to have another friend around. They are new BFFs. Isn't that what the kids say for Best Friend Forever or something like that?
I will put up their pictures for you all to see. I put them on my facebook page. I suppose people think that is crazy, but I was in a crazy mood.
I am finished with my comprehensive exams! I am almost feeling a bit free. After being stuck in my house for the last seven years studying (since 2002), I am not sure if I know how to be free!! I say seven years, because I worked on my National Board Certification for three years. Then I worked two years (5 quarters straight through) on my Educational Specialist. My Ph.D. coursework has been straight through six quarters, with no break, which is two years. That is about seven, isn't it?? I still have a ways to go with my Ph.D., though. I don't know how long the dissertation will take. I have to pass my comps,first. I hope to get positive results tomorrow, or sometime this week. I do not know what I will do, if I get negative results. I worked really hard on them. I seem to be a perpetual student. Oh well.It has kept my mind busy through some very tumultuous times, and I needed the distraction. I hope all of you are doing well. My mind is really rambling, so I should close for now. I will pop in some pictures of the doggies, first, though. Talk to you all later.
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