Well, it started off with the new dog not being able to wait two more minutes to go outside, if you know what I mean. After taking time to clean that up, I left very early, 6:45 a.m., to pick up a student to take to our Odyssey of the Mind competition. Twelve hours later, 7 p.m, I got home. This has been a stressful day. No one realizes the stress that encompasses it all when you are a teacher/coach/leader of a bunch of kids who are not your own, especially all day at a stupid competition. Did I say that I detest competitions? Well, I do. I only do them because I have to do them for my job. I do not like competitions of any sort. I do not like little league, little basketball, jr. or sr. high sports, etc. I just don't like competitions! What use is it anyway? I don't think it teaches anything except WIN, WIN, WIN, and that doesn't mean a thing. What means something is whether or not you are learning anything through a process, not how to win at all costs.
SO, that is my RANT for the evening. I am tired and tuckered out. My body is giving way, and I need to relax, but I don't know how.
Well, on the lighter side, is there a lighter side? Yes, the competition is OVER AND I PASSED MY COMPS!! Okay, so life is pretty good right now.
I hope everyone is doing well, if there is anyone out there reading this stuff.
Have a terrific night and great Sunday.
Random thoughts from a Southern girl who is quickly becoming "the older generation."
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dear Readers,
I passed my comprehensive exams!! I found out yesterday. Now, I will start working on my dissertation next quarter. I can BREATHE again!
I passed my comprehensive exams!! I found out yesterday. Now, I will start working on my dissertation next quarter. I can BREATHE again!
Monday, February 16, 2009
My new dog, and other ramblings
I have a new dog. I named her Lady. On her paperwork, she is Sheepdog #2, so I thought she deserved a nicer name. hahaha
Lady the Shaggy Dog, is what I will call her, although she is not shaggy right now. She and her siblings were saved from a neglectful situation, and they were all matted up. The only way they could groom her was to shave off all of her fur! She is still pretty. She looks kind of like a giant Schnauzer right now. My other dog, Page, the Golden Retriever, is so happy to have another friend around. They are new BFFs. Isn't that what the kids say for Best Friend Forever or something like that?
I will put up their pictures for you all to see. I put them on my facebook page. I suppose people think that is crazy, but I was in a crazy mood.
I am finished with my comprehensive exams! I am almost feeling a bit free. After being stuck in my house for the last seven years studying (since 2002), I am not sure if I know how to be free!! I say seven years, because I worked on my National Board Certification for three years. Then I worked two years (5 quarters straight through) on my Educational Specialist. My Ph.D. coursework has been straight through six quarters, with no break, which is two years. That is about seven, isn't it?? I still have a ways to go with my Ph.D., though. I don't know how long the dissertation will take. I have to pass my comps,first. I hope to get positive results tomorrow, or sometime this week. I do not know what I will do, if I get negative results. I worked really hard on them. I seem to be a perpetual student. Oh well.It has kept my mind busy through some very tumultuous times, and I needed the distraction. I hope all of you are doing well. My mind is really rambling, so I should close for now. I will pop in some pictures of the doggies, first, though. Talk to you all later.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Everybody Loves Raymond
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
This slideshow is in memory of my cousin, Raymond. He loved everyone, and everyone loved him. We miss you, Raymond!
Monday, February 9, 2009
My Cousin Raymond

Raymond Smith was a fun loving, gentle guy. He always made everyone feel welcome, and he never had a bad word to say about anyone. Raymond could tell some WHOPPERS, too! He loved to tell stories. He was always fun to be around. We lost Raymond this morning, very unexpectedly. I know that he is telling jokes in heaven and making everyone laugh out loud as we speak. I know my mamma is really enjoying his visit with her tonight! Between Raymond, Mamma, and Carter B up there in heaven together, there won't be a dry eye in the place! Those three are going to keep heaven hopping and popping with fun and laughter!!!! Raymond believed in making his children's lives one hundred times better than his own. He told me once that his father told him that he was supposed to make his children's lives better, and that it is was his belief that he would do everything he could to make his son's lives prosperous and full. Raymond succeeded in that venture. Benjamin and Stephen are both very fine and successful young men.Raymond was so proud of his two little granddaughters. He loved them to pieces! He would just laugh and smile thinking about them. Mina is lost tonight, without her soulmate. They have been together for thirty-nine years. I know she is going to miss him terribly, but we will all try to help her get through this. Here is a picture of Raymond and Mina,with their pride and joy granddaughters, Sarah and Allison.
I love you, Raymond!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
It's Late
It is almost 1 a.m., and I am just finishing up with my studies. I read a lot of things tonight. I just hope I can comprehend it all and remember it, so that I can write about it tomorrow! I need to type at least 15 pages. I read plenty to make more than 15 pages, but will I remember it all? I have 30 pages written so far, so I really should type 20. I am supposed to have 50 pages altogether. There have been so many crazy thoughts going on in my head while I have been studying, that I am not sure if they will or will not pop into my writing, too! I feel like I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, though. Once I get this question written, I will feel so much better.
I will be going to South Carolina Saturday. My friend Laura lost her mother this week. I just went to visit her a couple of weeks ago. I am so glad that I got to visit her, talk with her, and give her some hugs and kisses. She was a sweet lady, and she has been through a lot. Maybe she and Mamma are having a good, fun conversation about Germany days and the Eastern Star! I hope so, anyway.
Well, I should sign off for now and try to get some sleep. I am trying really hard to be on time for work. I am usually between two and five minutes late. I don't know why I can't get there on time, but I just can't. I will keep trying, though. Good night!
It is almost 1 a.m., and I am just finishing up with my studies. I read a lot of things tonight. I just hope I can comprehend it all and remember it, so that I can write about it tomorrow! I need to type at least 15 pages. I read plenty to make more than 15 pages, but will I remember it all? I have 30 pages written so far, so I really should type 20. I am supposed to have 50 pages altogether. There have been so many crazy thoughts going on in my head while I have been studying, that I am not sure if they will or will not pop into my writing, too! I feel like I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, though. Once I get this question written, I will feel so much better.
I will be going to South Carolina Saturday. My friend Laura lost her mother this week. I just went to visit her a couple of weeks ago. I am so glad that I got to visit her, talk with her, and give her some hugs and kisses. She was a sweet lady, and she has been through a lot. Maybe she and Mamma are having a good, fun conversation about Germany days and the Eastern Star! I hope so, anyway.
Well, I should sign off for now and try to get some sleep. I am trying really hard to be on time for work. I am usually between two and five minutes late. I don't know why I can't get there on time, but I just can't. I will keep trying, though. Good night!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mamma!!
pictures of Mamma that show her fun loving personality. The birthday pictures are from her 84th birthday, Feb. 1, 2007. She and Daddy found out earlier that day that she had another form of cancer. They did not tell us. She celebrated happily with all of us, just as usual.
Since I am new to this blog thing, I accidentally put this picture of Adam and Thomas in, and I don't know how to take it out! This is the night of Thomas' graduation as a firefighter.
I had some trouble getting all the writing under, or next to, the right pictures, too. I will get the hang of this someday.

Mamma and Dewilla

Blowing out the candles!
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