Saturday, May 25, 2013

Almost Summer

I am getting excited about the fact that summer is almost here! School is winding down for the year, and I am grateful for that. Hopefully, this summer will be uneventful and relaxing. It will be the first summer in a very long time that I will not have to worry about studying or anything tense like that. Maybe, I will get to the beach a lot! I hope so, anyway. The beach has eluded me for the last few years. Although I do not go in swimming much, I do enjoy being out and about on the beach. After being stung pretty badly by a jellyfish about ten years ago, I do not exactly run and jump into the water as I once did. I do not exactly want to go 'tanning' either, but I do enjoy just sitting there on the beach, relaxing, with the world and it troubles all gone for a day.
I finally ordered my doctoral robe, tam, hood, etc. Many times before, I have gone online and clicked on all of the things to order, but I never finished it and hit submit. Now, I will expect my regalia in about one month, and that is an exciting thing for me! Attendance at graduation may not come to fruition, but I will have my doctoral regalia to wear, and that is important to me.
My dissertation is now published and copyrighted through ProQuest Publications. I ordered it in book form, and the book is really nice. I could have had it placed on Amazon for people to buy, but I decided not to do that. While doing my research, I was able to find many dissertations and other articles to use without paying for them. So, I want others to be able to use my research for their dissertations without paying for it. If I ever decide to do further research on my topic and publish it, then Amazon can sell my work! HA!!
I am optimistic about this coming summer, and I hope to have a great time doing nothing, maybe a little cleaning up around here, going to the beach, and maybe taking a short trip or two to nearby locations.
Have a great weekend!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Why do some people have to be so ugly to other people? Why do some people think they can just run all over other people? I have no clue as to why there are such mean people in the world. I was raised in such a warm and loving environment that it is beyond my comprehension to understand people who are so self absorbed, only care about what is good for them, and just plain mean. Can you say, passive aggressive? Those who make snide, ugly remarks just waiting to get a 'rise' out of someone are just pitiful. Why are people so dad blamed ugly?  I was raised by some very selfLESS people who would bend over backwards to do anything they could for me, or you, or anyone else on this earth. Our family has always had the God given spiritual gifts of giving and serving. I am glad that we are bessed in that way, and I feel sorry for those who just think of themselves and what they can get out of life only for them. Life is too bad, too sad, for them, because they are sad, ugly, mean spirited, spiritless, lonely people.