Friday, May 11, 2012

Is It Summer Yet?

I have been off work for two days, feeling kinda poorly, and being home makes me think that it is about time for summer to arrive! The end of the year testing has come and gone at school, and that always makes the students think that summer is actually already here! There will be many things going on to wind up the year, so I hope that we have an easy transition into summer. Our new school building should be ready for us around the middle of the summer, and that will be a great happening. I ride by the site often, and the workers are busy getting everything finished and ready for the new school year. They work on Saturdays, even!! Actually, they are about a month ahead of schedule!
My granddaughter is really growing! She is over 12 pounds now! She is the love of our lives! Little Dora doesn't realize yet how much joy she gives to everyone. We all just stare at her, watching her every move, and we hold her continually! So far, she doesn't really know what it is like to be out of someone's arms! When we do put her on a blanket on the floor, those little legs of hers just kick and move and kick, kick, kick!!  She is so cute!   I have a big summer planned...visiting my little Dora as much as I can!!  That might not sound like a summer plan, but it is a great one for me!!  My daughter will be so happy to be off from school. A working mom always has such a hard time being away from her little ones. I remember vividly how much it hurt to have to go to work when my children were so little. We cannot all stay at home, unfortunately, but we do what we have to do. We appreciate our time with our babies and our children all the more, because we know how precious and special that time really is.
On another note, I bought myself the pasta roller and cutter system. I am planning on making some homemade pasta today. I have been watching Fabio Vivianni make pasta, and he makes it look so easy. We had a great time at Easter making pasta, and I am going to relive that moment today. Wish me luck!  I found a great deal on the set, online at Sears, so I don't feel too extravagant for buying it. The deal was one of those where you don't know the price until you place the order, and then the price is cut way, way down - PLUS FREE shipping....couldn't pass that up...AND the entire set is made in ITALY!!  So, I think I got a good deal.
My summer will be filled with lots of summer pasta salads and sauces, I do believe!!  Check out his fun videos, and you might just want to order yourself a pasta maker, too! Check out the link below. I hope it works for you.
So, is it summer yet?? Not quite, but almost...yippee!!

1 comment:

  1. You can bring a pasta salad with homemade pasta when you come to see us at the beach!!lol....I thought the pasta yall made in Tampa looked great!
