Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunflowers and Roses

I have a new picture of my sunflowers. They are still in the little seed pocket thingys, but they are growing. I have neglected to plant them outside, but I am waiting on them to get a little stronger for that.

Sunflowers Take 2

My son took a cutting from my dad's pretty red rosebush a year ago, or two years, and that plant has really taken off!! It has grown really tall, and there are lot of pretty roses on it now. I keep meaning to buy a trellis for it, but I forget each time I go out to the store! Maybe I will remember sometime this week. Anywho, I took pictures of it budding, then blooming, and now in full bloom. I tried to get them in order, buds, blooms, full blooms, but I don't think I quite managed to do that. Oh well, here they are....

Roses, Roses, and more Roses

Have a Great Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Good work....I need to plant some impatiens out front when I am sure it is not going to get cold again.
