Why are doctors so rude sometimes? Why do they think the earth revolves around them? I had a call from the nurse at my doctor's office yesterday morning to tell me that one of my tests was a bit abnormal, and I should come in. She asked me all sorts of questions and asked if I had taken the flu shot yet. I told her that I have never had a flu shot, and she asked me if I wanted one today. I said that I would like to talk to him about it first. Then, I tell her about something else that has been going on with me, so she told me to come on in and made an appointment for me. Well, I get there and he says, "What brings you here today?" I told him that the nurse called me and told me I should come in. "No, it says here you have heart flutters. I don't usually see people for blood in the urine." I said, "Well, Georgia called me at work today to tell me about my test results and said I should come in." "Well, we will take care of one thing today. Describe the flutters." I didn't even dare ask him about my blood pressure or even the flu shot the nurse talked about! He acted put out that he even had to talk to me. I also showed him the medicine that the gastro guy gave me on Tuesday. I told him that I spent $40 on them, and they make me sick! I wasted $40. The meds gave me the big D. I said that I wasn't sure which one did it, so I quit taking both of them. He said that both of those meds can give you that. Then, he decided to do an EKG and left. While the nurse was in there doing the EKG, I told her that he acted mad that I was even there, and that he acted like the blood in my urine was no big deal. I also asked her if he could talk to me about the rest of my tests, since I was already there. I had an appointment scheduled for next week to go over my blood pressure and my tests, and it would be nice not to have to take another afternoon off from work. She said she would ask him. So, when he comes back in, he acted even more put out than before. In his drone voice he tells me that the EKG was normal. I can wear a holter, (I thought it was halter), with a heart monitor if I want. The only thing he can do for the blood thing is to run some other test where I bring in two samples - two weeks apart. Then I asked him if he could tell me about the tests, since I was already there, and I wouldn't have to come back next week. He said that the two medicines both cause D. Sometimes we take you off of one or just give you one. He didn't really want to talk about that. He said, "Here's the thing. I'm on call. I only saw you because of the heart flutters." AND THIS IS WHAT GOT ME Y'ALL....That's not how we do things around here. CAN YOU BELIEVE HE SAID THAT!!!! THAT'S NOT HOW WE DO THINGS AROUND HERE! He said that I was there for a sick visit, not a well visit. My goodness gracious! What if I told my students that on Monday I couldn't talk to them about a spelling test, because it wasn't spelling test day!!!!!! I have heard of well baby checkups, but not well adult checkups. I did not know that you could only talk to a doctor about ONE thing PER visit! Did any of you realize that?? He read the results of everything and it took his precious THREE seconds to do that, and he acted SO PUT OUT about it all. I told him that I was also supposed to see about my blood pressure and my medicine. He didn't even talk to me about that. I said that I had seven more sample pills. He said he would give me some more and left. My sister just loves this guy and rants and raves about how nice he is and how he talks to you and listens to you. He has never been like that to me. He as never been quite this rude, but not overglowing either. I was upset, I started to cry, and the young girl who came in to give me my papers and prescription asked me what was wrong. She wondered if I didn't like what he had to say. I told her that I probably would NOT be coming back, and that he had been rude to me. She tried to calm me down and took me to her desk to make the appointments for the heart monitor and the urine sample things. Then, the nurse walked by. I tapped her arm and told her that I might not be back. She asked why, and I told her how rude he was to me. "He is very stressed out today, because he is on call. I will talk to him about it." She is very nice, but stressed out doesn't cut the mustard. I had already paid THREE copays this week AND the money at the pharmacy. I really didn't want to have another copay next week, when I was already at the doctor's office, and he could just tell me what he had to say about my tests! As my sister always tells me, THEY work for YOU. See, she used to work in Human Resources at the hospital, and she dealt with all sorts of people. She always tells me NOT to let people run all over me, because I am paying THEM for their services. Doctors should remember that. I am paying them, not visa versa!! Well, this is my rant for the day. I was really, really upset yesterday. I am calmed down a bit now, or I would be using stronger language.
On a better note, I finally got someone to come look at my bathroom. They have to take out all the walls and the floor and replace everything. It is a good thing that I have an equity line of credit on my house already. I will have to use that to pay for this. The room has been like that for eight years. I should have fixed it this summer, but I put it off. Now, they will have to work on it while I am at work. I do not like people in my house when I am not here, but maybe it will be better that way. I will not have a bathroom for about a week. It is a good thing that Daddy lives right across the street! My sister suggested using my mom's portable potty that she had while she was sick. I think I will do that. As for baths, I will have to go across the street. The work starts Monday. As for my doctor, I think I will look for a new one.
Random thoughts from a Southern girl who is quickly becoming "the older generation."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I have been using old music videos as my contributions to facebook lately. I have been thinking of music that talks about whatever day it is. I think it is kind of fun to do that. There are lots of songs that mention specific days. There are a lot of them for Saturday. I actually posted three of them today! The one that sticks in my head is Saturday in the Park. I found an off the wall song by the Jefferson Airplane, though, about Saturday Afternoon. I thought it was kind of neat, so I posted it. This particular one was from a performance done at Woodstock in 1969! Whew! With the 40th anniversary of Woodstock being held recently, I thought it was most appropriate to use that song. I wonder if YouTube lets you share things on a blog... Oh well. Anywho, I have enjoyed finding songs to fit the day. I had a great one for yesterday, but I couldn't load it from my phone. I will try to put that song on facebook again when the day is like it was yesterday - RAINY!
School has been in session for a couple of weeks now. The bad thing is that my blood pressure has decided to go sky high. I think it has been like that before, but I did not realize that it was the pressure that was making me feel the way I was feeling. I think I will just 'chill' to some music next time I decide to stress out about work or anything. My music used to be a big part of my life, and I need to get back my joy and my song. Both of those have disappeared for a long time, but I am focusing on trying to get them back. I wonder what kind of song I can find for Sunday? Stay tuned!!!!!!
School has been in session for a couple of weeks now. The bad thing is that my blood pressure has decided to go sky high. I think it has been like that before, but I did not realize that it was the pressure that was making me feel the way I was feeling. I think I will just 'chill' to some music next time I decide to stress out about work or anything. My music used to be a big part of my life, and I need to get back my joy and my song. Both of those have disappeared for a long time, but I am focusing on trying to get them back. I wonder what kind of song I can find for Sunday? Stay tuned!!!!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
My Adam

September 5, 1984 was a glorious day in my life, because my little baby boy, Adam, was born!!!! He was a big one, at 9 pounds 6 ounces. Adam was delivered by a planned C-section. As with his sister, he was too big for me to deliver, so the C-section was in order. My pregnancy with Adam was a lot of fun, just like with Rachel. I always loved being pregnant. I think pregnancy is a wonderful experience. With Adam, though, I did not have the fluid gain and no-salt diet, thank goodness! I ate LOTS and LOTS of tomatoes that summer, since we were living in an area that supplies tomatoes to many places. They were always so good, big, and juicy. Adam loves tomatoes to this very day!! HA!HA! I wonder if there is a connection. As time for delivery came closer and closer, I did have a lot of pains and a few scary moments, but I was fine. Adam was always a very active little boy. He loved to be naked! I can remember one day in particular when he was about 2 or 3 years old. I opened the front door to look out or something, and this little thing just shot out beside me like a bullet. It was like I only saw a white flash as he went by! He ran outside stark naked and just kept running around and around and around in circles all over the front yard!! It was SOOOOO Funny!!!! He was always such a tiny little thing that he almost looked like a little bee or something buzzing all around the yard. I don't know how I ever stopped laughing at that one. Adam has grown into a very fine young man. He is a Marine Science major and will graduate this spring. He loves the ocean and fishing, and he is doing a terrific job in all of his classes. He is a true scientist and mathematician! I am so extremely proud of him. Adam is a true gentleman and a wonderful son. He is also a good little brother. He is very attentive to his girlfriend, Vicky. He and Vicky are good for each ther, and they are both good to me. Adam has always tried to help take care of me when I needed him, and he is still a very conscientious and caring son and young man. He is a courageous person who is growing up to be an extremely wonderful man and human being. I love Adam very, very much. Adam is the best son in the whole wide world!!!!!!
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