Friday, January 22, 2021

Wandering Thoughts

 Wandering thoughts are sometimes good and sometimes not so good. In my weekly Bible Study, we had an introductory workshop on a book about Mindful Self Compassion. In one of the chapters, the author speaks of thoughts. She says to remember that thoughts are not facts, and that they should be let go. Oftentimes, this concept is hard to accomplish. Also, the author reminds us that sometimes we say ugly things to ourselves that we would never, ever think of saying to another person. We are now studying a book called Try Softer. This book focuses on compassionately listening to our own needs, so that we can move on in life with gentleness to ourselves. She also reminds us of the scripture from Mark 12:31 that says, Love your neighbor AS you love yourself. We often forget the part about AS YOU LOVE  YOURSELF. Well, I forget that part. 

So, I am trying really hard to be nicer to myself when my thoughts are wandering. I am trying to be nicer to myself when I drop something, or break something, or when I am alone thinking about the day and what I am doing or not doing. It seems that living in retirement is something that takes an adjustment in thinking, as well as a way of life. You change from doing so much for others and thinking of what you are to do every minute for others, to thinking about you and what you are going to do throughout the day. It is hard to learn how to take it slow and remember that it is okay to do one little thing at a time, rather than rush to accomplish numerous tasks in a few minutes or hours. 

I often like to go to the city lake and watch the variety of birds flying around or swimming. This past Sunday, there was a pelican swimming in the middle of the lake with some Canadian geese! I am not sure where he came from, as I have never seen a pelican there before. There were also two herons. They are really beautiful when their wingspans are out while they are flying. The Canadian geese also looked beautiful, as they flew right across the water with their necks stretched way out. There were also a lot of mallard ducks, with their pretty, green, shiny markings. Usually there are more of the big, black and white Muscovy ducks than regular types of geese and ducks. There were some really pretty snow white ducks swimming around, also. Those ducks are usually scared away by the big Muscovy ducks. Also, there were lots and lots of seagulls flying around. Watching these birds is very calming. Experiencing nature is an awesome thing.

Yesterday, I got really brave and went to Walmart and Sam's. It has been a long time since I walked around a Walmart store. Sam's is not as scary of a place to be in, since it is so big and spread out. Actually, Walmart was not so scary yesterday. Although a lot of cars were in the parking lot, there were not many people walking around in the store. I suppose that particular store is large enough so that people can be spread around in different areas. So, I felt pretty good about that accomplishment of going shopping.

Bike rides are a wonderful thing for me. It has been two weeks since I have been able to ride. The weather has not been conducive to getting outside and riding. It has been too cold. My three wheeler is a blessing to me, as it helps me exercise and get out in the sunshine. My cousin and I were finally able to get out on Wednesday, and we rode about 7 miles. We went out yesterday, but the rain cut our ride short. If the rain stays away today, I will get out and ride for a while.

Thoughts...they can be good, or they can be not so good. They can be helpful, or not so helpful. Either way, we all have them. We just have to learn how to keep them in check, productive, and helpful. 

Have a great day!

Friday, January 8, 2021


     Christmas lasts a long time in my house. We have always left up our Christmas things until after January 6th, which is Epiphany. I enjoy seeing the decorations. One year, I actually left everything up until April. That year, a lot was going on. Things were so busy that there was no real time to take anything down or put anything away. It was kind of fun, actually. This year, my decorations went up early. I started before Thanksgiving, which is something that I have never done before. I always take at least a week to get everything out and up. This year, I did it all in one day! Actually, there were a few things that were still waiting to find a place! They never did find it, though, HA!  

     I took pictures last year, but they didn't get shown. So, I am going to try to put some on here this year. I started writing this entry when they were all still up. Since then, I have taken everything down and put all of the items into their respective bins. Don't ask if the bins are put away, because they are not! At least everything is down and other things are put back into place. 

     My pictures do not look very clear on the blog, but I wanted to share them anyway

     The first picture is of the mantle. This year, I actually took down all of the things that are normally on there, and I only have Christmas items displayed. 

    There is a new addition to my Willow Tree Nativity set. I found Zampognaro, a shepherd with bagpipes. So, he is a nice addition to the scene. I left my dried Jasmine flowers on the corner of the mantle. They look much better in person!

     I was also able to purchase a new tree. It is a slim, 7 foot tree. My older one was wider, and it was always hitting things as it turned around. I have a revolving tree stand that I just love. It is nice to be able to see the whole tree, as it spins around and around, rather than just seeing one side! I have to fold up my curtain, though, or it will get caught in the tree and go around and around with the tree. Then when it gets totally wrapped around, the tree stops!

      I have these traditional, European Santas that were given to me by my Daddy. He loved to find things like these Santas. I love them! My musical Christmas snow globes are also on my little server buffet.

     I have a small, glass nativity that I bought a long time ago. It came with a small mirror to go underneath the pieces. That mirror broke a long time ago. I also have two small nativities that are carved out of wood and a small, Precious Moments nativity. One of my big, musical snow globes is also a Nativity scene.

     I also put my advent wreath on the mantle. I lit it throughout the season of Advent, however I did not leave the flames going for very long at a time. The old, plaster walls are not really conducive to candles! 

      The New Year came in without any fuss or bother, so that was nice. Our weather has gone crazy, so it was very warm for a New Year's day. It felt like spring or summer, really. The air conditioner actually had to be used for a while, in order to get the stuffiness out of here! Since then, we have winter one day and summer another day. So far this year, though, everything is going well. The best part about the new year is that I do not have to go to work! I am still enjoying my second year of retirement, and I am still learning the art of slowing down. I enjoy my peaceful time just doing what I want to do when I want to do it! 

     Take it easy, be safe, be careful, and have a GREAT DAY!!