My oils...What in the world does that mean? Well, I have been using Young Living Essential Oils to help with relaxation and calming for quite a few years. I purchased a set of nine oils from a friend of mine many years ago. At the time, I had no intention of becoming a distributor or purchasing them wholesale. I just wanted the oils. Due to legal reasons, I cannot say that any oil 'cures' anything. I can only tell you of my personal experiences with the oils and how they have helped me. I really only used Lavender, Peppermint, and Frankincense for a while. Lavender helped me stay calm when I went to bed. Peppermint helped my many bouts of serious colon issues. Frankincense helped the pain in my legs. I kept the nine oils in my bathroom cabinet for many years, not realizing how all of them could really help. Finally, I became a distributor and purchased another set of oils. This time, there were ten oils in the package and a diffuser. Wow! The oils have made a serious difference in my life. I have many oils now, and I use all of them. If you read the Bible, you will see many references to oils being used. Well, I have many of the Bible oils, such as frankincense and myrrh. I also have the oil that is considered to be the 'gold' that was given to the baby Jesus - Balsam Fir. Just think about this for a minute. For centuries, people in the 'old countries' have used oils for healing. Native Americans used oils and plants for healing. So, doesn't it make sense to continue to use plants and the oils that come from plants for healing, both spiritual and physical? I believe that it makes plenty of sense. I am not talking about some 'mumbo jumbo' tonic water, like some people offer. I am talking about real, completely natural oils directly from plants. I use the oil from the Angelica plant a lot now. This plant is called the flower of the angels, by Germans. The scent from this plant can help you forget about trauma and bad thoughts. Yes, it works for me. When my father passed away, I diffused the Angelica oil all day in my home. I KNOW that it helped ALL of us that day. When I wake up each morning with nightmares, which happens every day, I open my bottle of White Angelica and inhale the aroma several times. The horrible thoughts go away. They really do. I still put Lavender on my pillow each night to help me stay calm. I put peppermint in my navel and on my abdomen to stop stomach/colon issues. I have a very stressful job, and I often have trouble 'coming down' from all of the stressful, emotional, and physical trials of the day. My mind just races and races all day and night. The Lavender helps the race slow down. I also use Lavender on cuts and burns that I often have on my hands or arms. I am sort of a 'clutz' at times! Lavender works better on the cuts and burns than neosporin or aloe. My body is full of aches and pains, due to a horrific car crash 25 years ago. I had many injuries, and those injuries have caused me to continue to have pain throughout my body every day, from head to toe. I now use an essential oil blend called Ortho Ease at night on my legs. If you know anyone with restless leg syndrome, please give them some Ortho Ease. For me, the restlessness (heebie jeebies) goes away immediately, and then I can sleep restfully. I cannot say that the oils can cure anyone or anything. I can only say that the oils help to alleviate many of the issues that I face each and every day. So, there is my brief story about My Oils. I have many more stories, but I will stop here for now. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
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