Sunday, December 2, 2012


Yesterday, I went to a family reunion that is always held on the first weekend of December. We went to Sylvania, Georgia, 60 miles 'up the road' to visit our cousins. My mamma and aunt were the only two children of my grandmother, but her sister, our great aunt 'WeeWee', had eight children. Sadly, there are only three of the eight left. My mamma and aunt have gone to heaven. There is one child left of the mischievious younger brother, my great uncle Bubba, but she is living in Tennessee and couldn't be there. So, there were only three of the older crowd gathered: BettySue, Lucille, and John Harold.  My mamma and aunt Saramina loved their first cousins. They had First Cousins meetings each year. My mamma was the secretary, and she took some really hilarious 'minutes' of these meetings! Anyway, my great aunt lived all by herself on her 80 acres of land, in the same house, until she was over 100 years old! She was a fiesty little lady, just like my grandmother, Granna!!  These two ladies were the epitome of a Southern Lady, and anyone would be proud to be told that they were like them. Both ladies could quote scripture at any time and lived strictly by Biblical principals, yet they were modest, and not at all 'holier than thou', as many Christians these days tend to be with people who believe differently than they might think is the 'correct' way to believe. We could all use a lesson in how to behave and live from these ladies, along with a dose of reality about religious beliefs and tolerance of others. Granna, WeeWee, and Bubba were three of a generation that no longer exists. They were all wonderful people, and we who have come from them are to be honored that we are their descendents.
As is the custom, we went to the cemetery to visit our Granna's grave. Although she lived in Savannah all of her adult life, Granna wanted to be buried among her relatives in Sylvania. She is in the Morel section, right next to the two 'old maid aunts' who raised her. My Granna was a single mom, when single moms were definitely NOT the norm. She raised my Mamma and Aunt by herself, and she did a great job, too. I often think that she was probably ostracized by some, because she was a single parent, but she did her best and kept on going. Like I said, she was a fiesty lady, but a true Southern Lady at all times. I remember that she always wore a little black hat with a little piece of lace , and usually a bow. Not many people nowadays wear hats. Granna always had a petite little black hat to wear, when going out. She was a wonderful seamstress, and she made all of my clothes when I was a child. She even made clothes for my Barbie dolls!! Now, THAT is some fine stitching...tiny little clothes made perfectly.  Granna would take a newspaper, lay it out on the table, and draw a pattern on it!! She made her own patterns! She could sew anything.
The story of the old maid aunts....My Granna's mother apparently left her three children with their father, my great-grandfather Morel, but he could not take care of the children. So, his two sisters raised the children. These two ladies had lived through the civil war, and they were NOT fond of men at all. They told my Granna and my mamma stories of how Sherman's men marched their horses THROUGH their house!! I am sure that was a scary thing. As we were talking about them at the cemetery yesterday, we began to wonder if the Yankee soldiers did some unspeakable things to these two young ladies. If so, that would certainly shed some light onto their demeaner towards men, why they never married, and why they lived alone together as they did. I would not like to think that anything like that happened, but we all know that some terrible things were done during that war.  The ladies most certainly did NOT want my Granna or my WeeWee to marry. They did not want them around men at all. But, both ladies did marry and have children. My grandfather apparently left the family, thus leaving my Granna to be a single parent. My great aunt's husband stayed with the family, but I think their life together was rather hard, but it presented eight children into our world. The days of old were not really spoken about. Things were always kept quiet and secret, so it is really hard to know the truth or the real stories of how some events took place. With today's world of everything being publicized and brought out into the open, it is difficult to understand the softspoken, hidden ways of the past. I am truly proud to be a descendent of these proper ladies, and I am very happy to have inherited their quiet ways. I have never been one to be loud and abrasive, and most of my family is quiet natured and often shy. The Bible talks about not being boastful and proud, and I believe that our ancestors led their lives by Biblical teachings. They not only read about God's word; they lived God's word. They didn't go around preaching and hammering the word around to others; they simply lived God's word and spread it by example. I believe that is the way to go, the way to be, the way to reach people, rather than trying to stomp your beliefs into everyone's head and lives. When you think about it, the people who are modest and simply live the right kind of life...they are the ones that people actually admire and remember fondly. I think it is the same with teachers. Being a teacher myself, I find it most rewarding to know that a child really likes coming to my class and remembers me fondly when they grow up. I have many former students who come up to me in stores and places and smile really big when they see me. I try to treat the children kindly and with respect, rather than sternly and with meanness. They respond to kindness much better than ugliness. 
Well, I didn't mean to get on a soapbox today, but I guess I kind of did! I am proud of my Southern heritage, my Southern ladies from whom I have gained insight, and my quiet, gentle ways in which I was brought up in this world.  Amen!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dora's Baptism

What a beautiful Sunday it was! The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the breeze was blowing, and everyone was in good spirits and loving the day!! Little Dora was getting ready to be baptized on the beach~ What a glorious day for our family!  With the Tybee Lighthouse in the background, the ceremony commenced. Little Dora is all dressed up in her mommy's baptism gown and ready to go!!

Many of Rachel's friends from work came to join us on this special day.
All of our Savannah family was present for this most blessed of days.



 Most of the crew met at my cousin Mina's beach house and walked to the beach, but some of us 'old folks' drove our cars. I had Daddy and Mina in my car, and off we went! The walkers had a wonderful, happy time chatting and laughing, as they walked to the beach.

 We went to the parking lot near the North Beach that is right near the Lighthouse. The sea oats were blowing in the breeze, the seagulls were all over the place, and Dora's baptism family were all present and accounted for.  Rev. Ron Pulley was planning on being in town that weekend to visit his daughter, my sister-in-law, for her birthday, so Rachel emailed him and asked him to perform the ceremony. He quickly agreed. I must admit that he really does a nice service. His words are always comforting and full of the Holy Spirit. So, there we all were, sand in our shoes, wind in our hair, sun in our eyes, all for our little Dora. It was a glorious day.

 Rachel and Don had chosen two songs for us to sing: The Summons, and On Eagle's Wings. The words to The Summons are extremely meaningful, and we used that as our opening hymn. Then, Rev. Pulley began the ceremony with words about how we baptize young children with our family, or our extended family, promising that we will raise up the child with Godly wisdom and surround the child with spriritual love, with all of the "family" showing by example the way of Christ. The words were very meaingful. We ended the service with the uplifting hymn, On Eagle's Wings.

Pictures, pictures, pictures were the next order of business. My brother caught some seagulls in flight. I hadn't realized it, but right when Rev. Pulley was mentioning a particular thing in the service, these seagulls took flight from among the sea oats.

With the Lighthouse in the background, many of the pictures are representative of the wonderful, uplifting ceremony.

After the service, we all went back to Mina's house for dinner. We had gone early and set up tables and chairs in the backyard. Rachel made burlap table runners and used Mason jar vases that held beautiful yellow sunflowers. She found that idea on Pinterest, for those of you who enjoy Pinterest items.

 I made a huge cake and decorated it in white icing. I drew a little baptism gown on the front, and then I outlined it in little white pearls. Then, I decided to fill in the whole dress with pearls. I still have some of those that had rolled on the floor of my house that I find from time to time! I decided to add some color, so I made some light pink icing to use as the trim around the bottom. Then, I added some sparkly, shiny white sugar on top and added some little pink pearls around the top of the cake. I think it turned out pretty. I wanted it to be elegant, but not plain.

The dinner was great. Everyone brought a covered dish, and we made lemonade, and of course...Sweet TEA!!

The children had fun running around the yard, and the 'older' children had fun playing the game where you throw bean bags into a wooden slotted thing. I am not sure of the name of that game, but they had fun together.

 Dora even got into the action~~

Then, we heard a loud thud. It was my dad. He was going out of the back door when his foot tripped and he fell on the hard, cement floor. Needless to say, he was hurt. Since he takes coumadin, he was pretty bloody. Our resident nurse, Ami, took great care of him. The ambulance was called and we went to the ER.He had a broken nose, hurt ribs and right hand, and just banged up all over. It has taken a couple of weeks, but he is much improved. It was touch and go there for a while, as he was in terrific pain, but thanks to our wonderful Lord, he is much, much better. He even got in his truck yesterday and drove himself to the Army base to go to the commissary! So, things are looking up!

I took some pictures of the baptism, my two brothers took pictures, and my sister took pictures. I have mine and one other set, so I will put some of the wonderful ones on this blog.
I hope you are all having a terrific Sunday!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Birthday

Hello All...
Today is my 57th birthday! I was planning on going to Clayton, Georgia today to help celebrate my uncle's 90th birthday, but my driver got sick and can't go. Rachel is my driver, as I cannot drive long distances. I had the family over last night for a celebration, since I thought we were going out of town today. Well, I had an early party, so I don't know what I will do today.  I still have lots of cake! Lauren came by after school and decorated the cake for me. We put lots of things on, Tweetie Bird rings, pink bows, a fairy, purple bumble bees, candy pink pearls, and candy flowers. Lauren hada great time doing it. Yes, pink everything!
So, I am at home today with Daddy. He hasn't been feeling very well this week, and I think he is glad that I did not go out of town. He was very chipper this morning. We are all just very tired and feeling not so good. I came home from work at 9 am yesterday, feeling not so good. Maybe it is the weather changes or something that is getting everyone out of sorts. I'm not sure. I am determined to have a good day today, though.  So, come on over for a slice or two or three of cake!!
Here are some pictures from last night...

My usual picture taking place for cakes...the top of my washing machine!!
 57! 57! Julia kept calling that number out and saying, "That is a lot of years!"
 Lauren did a good job of decorating. She enjoyed piping the icing all over and outlining everything with the little pink pearls!
 lauren did a really good job!  How about those butterflies!!
Another view...I love Tweetie Bird!!

Dewey, Lauren, Little Dewey, Julia, and Me!
I had some good helpers when blowing out my candles...Julia and Little Dewey!!
 Pretty butterfly outlined in pearls
 Yes, Julia ... 57!!!!!
See the fairy, the flowers, and the bumble bees!!
Cousin Mina and Dora!!
 Lauren the Decorator and Me!!
 Miss High School Rebecca!!
William and Amy
My GIRLS!! Rachel and Dora!!
Rachel, Dora, Julia, Little Dewey, and ME!!
 Daddy and ME!
 Cousin Mina and ME!!
 Little Brother William and ME!
 Nieces Lauren and Rebecca and ME~~
 Cutting the cake!! Ellen, Rachel, and Dora~
 Papa, Ellen, Rachel, and Dora!! Dora loves to look backwards at people!!