Thursday, January 30, 2020

A New Year

The new year has started off well. I have been trying to get things done around the house that I couldn't do while I was still working. Slowly but surely, things are getting done. When talking to a friend of mine about this, and saying that no one but me could tell that anything has been done, my friend said, "How do you eat an elephant?"  At first, I wasn't sure what he meant. Then, I realized that the answer was 'a little bit at a time'. That little rhetorical question helped me to realize that it doesn't matter how fast things move, but that it is that they are moving!  So, a little bit at a time is how I am managing to get things done!  I was in graduate school of one sort or another for ten years, along with working as a teacher full time and taking care of my aging parents. Things around this house got really stacked up and neglected. So, what took a long time in creating cannot be changed in a minute!  
  I have also started back doing some things that identify 'me'. I am working with the United Methodist Women in my church and in our District, and this is enjoyable for me. I started playing my clarinet again, in our local Community band called the Savannah Winds. It has been a long time since I have played, and it is going to take a while to get back into shape. However, the stamina of playing and the movement of the fingers will come back with practice. Another thing to which I have returned is my church choir. All of my  life, I was either directing the choir or singing in the choir.  Choir has been a major part of my entire being, and I really feel good about singing again. I have also found that I love to paint. I have participated in quite a few painting sessions at our local Painting With a Twist studio. This type of studio has a featured painting for which you can sign up to make, and you join a group of people who are all there to have fun! The instructors are all very helpful, and each person's painting has their own flair to it.  Another thing that I am doing for myself is the Disciple I Bible Study that is a part of the United Methodist Church. I agreed to teach the class, and I am really getting a lot out of this study. I did this study way back in 2003, as a participant. Now, I am doing the study as a teacher. It is nice to have the extra time to do this study from a teacher's perspective. I am really getting a lot out of it. After so many years of studying and working on my Ed. S. and my Ph. D., both in Education, it is nice to do research on something that helps me to become closer to God and to increase my spiritual wellness.  
After retiring from teaching in May, I kept myself away from any type of commitment or organization. I just needed a break from the world for a while. Eight months into retirement, I realized that I really do need to be around people. It is important to have something to do that is important to one's self and that helps you to stay involved with others. I am going to be sure not to overextend myself, though. It is fine to have a few things to do that really mean a lot to me, but having too many involvements will not be so good. So, I have chosen my commitments wisely. 
My grandchildren are always on the top of my list of commitments. I pick them up from school every Monday. That is something that I really look forward to doing each week! This year, they are at two different schools that are a far distance apart. Next year, they will both be at the same school, which is really close to my house.That will be awesome!
I wrote a Christmas post that included pictures of my home, but I never got it finished. Perhaps I will redo that soon and post it. Writing my thoughts in this blog is another thing that I want to get back to doing. A Christmas post might be fun to do at a different time of year! 
Here is a wish for you to have a Happy New Year 2020!  I hope that you have a great day!