A lot has happened this year. My son is now an RN and is working in the Cardiac Care Unit of a hospital here in town. My niece was married last weekend and will be starting her new life in a new state. Another niece of mine graduated from high school and is planning on attending college next Fall. My grandchildren are growing and thriving. Life keeps moving on!
Summer is officially here for 'us teacher folk'. haha
So... of course I had to go to the beach on my first real day of summer. We had a blast. The girls loved playing in the sand and the waves. The tide was very rough, so we only spent time right at the water's edge. The undertow was extreme, even at the water's edge. You could feel your feet being pulled in by the current, even in one inch of water. Needless to say, we had to keep a very strong and tight hold on the little ones' hands the entire time.
I hope we have a drier summer than we had last year. It seems like we had torrents of rain every day last summer. Hopefully, the rain will be minimal and we can enjoy each and every day to its fullest!
It is also my intention to have many bike rides around the neighborhood during my time off from work. I found a bike app to put on my phone, and I found out that I have been riding 5 and 6 miles on days when I thought I was only going 1 or 2 miles! Wow! My longest rides equal to around 10 miles, and those are only in my neighborhood streets. I love riding my three wheel bike. I feel very safe and do not have to worry about falling over or being injured while riding. This morning, I actually cranked up my treadmill and walked a mile. That is something that I plan on doing daily from now on. Let's see if I actually do it!
Summer is a time for new beginnings, new hope, and new surprises. I am wishing for a wonderful summer full of beach fun, bike rides, adventures, and playing with my granddaughters!!
Summer is officially here for 'us teacher folk'. haha
So... of course I had to go to the beach on my first real day of summer. We had a blast. The girls loved playing in the sand and the waves. The tide was very rough, so we only spent time right at the water's edge. The undertow was extreme, even at the water's edge. You could feel your feet being pulled in by the current, even in one inch of water. Needless to say, we had to keep a very strong and tight hold on the little ones' hands the entire time.
I hope we have a drier summer than we had last year. It seems like we had torrents of rain every day last summer. Hopefully, the rain will be minimal and we can enjoy each and every day to its fullest!
It is also my intention to have many bike rides around the neighborhood during my time off from work. I found a bike app to put on my phone, and I found out that I have been riding 5 and 6 miles on days when I thought I was only going 1 or 2 miles! Wow! My longest rides equal to around 10 miles, and those are only in my neighborhood streets. I love riding my three wheel bike. I feel very safe and do not have to worry about falling over or being injured while riding. This morning, I actually cranked up my treadmill and walked a mile. That is something that I plan on doing daily from now on. Let's see if I actually do it!
Summer is a time for new beginnings, new hope, and new surprises. I am wishing for a wonderful summer full of beach fun, bike rides, adventures, and playing with my granddaughters!!