School has started again, so things have actually 'settled down' some...Believe it or not! I suppose the thing of having a schedule keeps me more settled. We are in a new location this year, while our old school is being torn down and rebuilt. I actually like the new location. We are in an old school that has a new building on the Army base. From what I understand, this particular location is going to be used each year as a 'holding place' for displaced schools such as ours. The school system has a building plan for more new schools, so I guess this idea of using Pulaski as a holding bin of sorts is a good one.
I have made lots of cakes this summer. The most recent ones will be added to this blog. I believe I put Lauren's cake up, of the Bieb, but I have a few more to add here.
After Lauren's birthday, Rebecca turned 13. She wanted a beach party, so I made a beach cake for her. Rachel and Kate helped me out on this one.
They enjoyed it. I have also started making candy. This process is much simpler than I thought. I bought several little molds and some of the candy that Michael's sells. Super put the candy in the microwave to melt and then put the melted candy in the mold. After the candy dries, you pop it out! Simple! I made shells and fish items for the cake. We used brown sugar for the sand and some fondant for the big wave. My brother asked for a giant wave with someone surfing. The giant wave was a small piece of pound cake that I had left from the previous weekend. It looked just like an approaching wave! I made a big sheet cake and put the ocean at one end and the beach at the other. I had some little flip flop candles that I bought a while back, just to have, and they came in handy for this cake! The cake turned out great!
For some reason, this first picture keeps loading upside down. I can't fix it!
After Rebecca's birthday came my brother Dewey. He has a love for his John Deere riding lawnmower, so I made a John Deere tractor for his birthday. I found a little toy one at Toys R' Us and used it as a model. I also put it on the cake. Of course, Little Dewey, Fella, 3D, thought it was his present, and immediately took it off the cake and started playing with it. He loves cars of any kind! I got it back onto the cake for a while, and then we let him have it to keep. I'm not sure why this picture is sideways!!!! I also made a lion for Dewey. His astrological sign is Leo the Lion, plus he sometimes growls at us! haha!
The next two birthdays were Julia's and Rachel's. Julia requested another castle cake. This year, I decided to make it all edible, and I found some neat things to use on it. I was at Walmart one day and found colored ice cream cones for - ONE DOLLAR!! I also bought sugar cones and colored mini marshmallows. I had all of the colored sugar and things to use already. I made a tiered cake and put the colored cones on each corner. I iced the sugar cones and put pink sugar all over them. Then, the sugar cones went onto the other cones to make the high turrets. The marshmallows were also used for the jagged turrets on a palace. I bought a Sleeping Beauty crown and a little Sleeping Beauty doll for the cake, and I put those on the top layer. I found some little wands that were the same color as the crown, so I placed those all over the cake, too. I used some of my sparkly edible glitter to shine it up a bit more. For the windows and doors, I used pink sugar wafers! I had some neat decorating candy that I used for the added little flowers and things on the windows and doors. It all turned out pretty well, and it didn't fall apart in the car on the way over this time. I let Julia help me make some of the candy we used, she put the last sugar cones onto the cake. That way, she felt like she made her own cake.
The party was also for Rachel, so she and Julia were princesses for the day. Rachel wore a yellow dress like Snow White, and Julia had on the full out Sleeping Beauty costumer all day. Ellen bought little tiaras for all the females to wear, and we had a great time. I told Rachel that I never could make her a castle cake, so this was her cake as well as Julia's cake! My Iphone camera doesn't show off the pretty pink and purple colors that I made. This year, I made a light pink and a light purple, and they were really pretty.
The next day was Rachel's real birthday, and I made her a Paisley cake! I found some napkins with a cute design, and I tried really hard to make it. I used the pink and purple that was left over from the castle cake. Then a few days later, we all went to Rachel's house to see Adam, who was home for the week. I made another paisley cake and was planning on getting it right this second time, but I changed my mind after realizing Adam's birthday is next week~ Even though I had already made pink icing, I turned the paisley into an exotic fish and added yellow and bright green~ I also put some green on Rachel's paisley cake, to make it look more like the napkins!
So, Rachel and Adam had a co-birthday party Tuesday night! I was happy to have them together.
As for birthday cakes, Adam's is the last one of the season for now! October is not far away, though, and there are too many to count in October!